Fantastic HOWLs!

Product work continues in HUMAN sessions this week. I am SO impressed with the student’s work, as well as their commitment to producing something really important.

Some top quotes from today:

“I am trying to do an excellent job because this is for our final product and it is important.”, “I am really proud of my writing this lesson.” , “Maybe you could try and find a better synonym for sad?”

As well as students appreciating each other for:

“Really getting their head down”, “Giving me really kind critique”, “asking for critique and using my feedback to redraft their work”, as well as noticing that “he had a shaky start but I explained what he needed to do and he got really focused and then did some great work.”

The classroom culture that these students are nurturing is BRILLIANT.

Well done XPG!

Beautiful work from Holly’s Grandad

Holly N’s Grandad allowed us to have this triptych of paintings in school given its close links to our current expedition and case study looking at the 1984 Miners’ Strike.

This wonderfully atmospheric painting of the Jarrow Crusade is truly beautiful work. Thanks to Holly’s Grandad for allowing us to have it in school, and a big appreciation to Holly for bringing it in to school.

Beautiful work from Evan in G28

As part of Remembrance Evan has been doing some research into members of his family that have served in the armed forces for our country. Evan’s research and written work was extensive and very sensitively written.

In addition, he has written a fabulous review of a recent Public Service Broadcasting gig. Wonderful work here Evan, well done!

Beautiful HOWLs!

This week we have begun working on our first ever XPG Product! The students have all been set individual tasks to complete with their own deadlines. They hold themselves and others accountable with a public tracker and they are all committed to ensuring that their work is of the highest quality in order to honour the miners in our area.

In today’s session, both classes reflected on and appreciated the hard work of each other, nominating others in the class for demonstrating our 3 HOWLs: Work Hard, Get Smart, Be Kind.

An apology to Class 2 that I don’t have a picture of your nominations, but be sure to share with your parents the nominations you received – you should be proud of yourselves!


Beautiful work from Charlie D J in G28

On our fieldwork this week, a member of the public asked us about our studies and Charlie came to talk to her. Rhona was so kind as to send a card to Charlie and to our staff to thank them for taking the time to talk to her.

What a magnificent piece of work from Charlie. Our students are already making a positive impact in the community and promoting their own brilliant work and strong culture.

Well done Charlie, and thanks so much to Rhona. The card was also read out in our community meeting this morning.

BEAUTIFUL WORK: Our Great Great North Runners

We would like to congratulate our runners in the Junior Great North Run this year, all running for fantastic causes. Ethan, Elyse, Tyler, Corbyn and Harris – we are so proud of the hard work you put in and the compassion you have shown for such excellent causes.

Another appreciation goes to Isla and Leighla who were there on the day to support with the running of the day too.

Well done to all of you.

Beautiful work!


EWR and Elyse were highlighted by their peers in our community meeting last week as two students that exemplify our character traits; courage, integrity, respect, craftsmanship & quality, and above all… compassion.

Yesterday they gave the very first ambassador tour around our building to Mrs Salter Head of School at Green Top Primary School and Mr Butler, Executive Principal of the XP Trust.

They were very impressed with our ambassadors and the school.

Please thank our young hosts for their expert reflections on their school.

It felt like an XP school today!

Well done to all your staff for the culture you are developing.

Great work EWR and Elyse, and all of the staff and students that made Mrs Salter and Mr Butler feel so welcome.


