Elyse was a flag bearer at the recent game between England and Scotland at the Stadium of Light. Elyse has really grown as a footballer over the last couple of years, and what an honour to have such an important role at this local event. Great work Elyse!


If you visit the Shipley Art Gallery, and we think you should, you will see Brody’s pottery piece displayed in one of the cabinets in the Gallery. Fantastic and beautiful work Brody. Our students can say they are published authors, Brody is a published potter!


Beautiful work from Lizzie and Josh

Lizzie has produced some thoughtful writing about the importance of coal in our region to help drive the Industrial Revolution. Josh, having produced similar quality writing then made extensive notes on the Industrial Revolution as an extension task. Great work Lizzie and Josh!


Beautiful work from Harry

Amazing news! Harry got his black belt (1st Dan) in karate last night starting just over 2 years ago in May 2021; this is an epic achievement!

Harry has worked tirelessly to achieve this, training 4 times a week and practising wherever he goes.

Not only is he a 1st Dan, but he was also awarded his Junior Instructor last night too!

Beautiful work Harry!

Beautiful work from Penny in Year 7

Penny has had a successful taekwondo grading last week. Penny worked hard for this and memorised several patterns to pass, including some Korean language. Here she is receiving her certificate from Mr Pasco, one of her instructors. Great work Penny!

Beautiful work from Harry in Year 7

Harry has trained both his Mam and a family friend to pass their grading. Showing true craftsmanship, he’s helped them both gain first class full red belts, which is something his Mam says neither could have achieved without his tuition.

He did all of this while training for his own grading, where he skipped a belt earning his second brown stripe. He’s aiming to get to black belt within the next six months!

Harry’s started karate 2 years ago! He trains 3 times a week, and at home. True dedication and craftsmanship & quality! Great work Harry.

Beautiful work from Scarlett and Winnie

Scarlett and Winnie in Year 7 completed the Great North Swim this weekend on Windermere – the biggest open air swimming event in the whole of the UK. What a fantastic achievement and evidence to us all that ‘there is more in us than we know’.

Great work Winnie and Scarlett.

G28 Spanish – Final Product from Term 2

Last term in Spanish, Year 8 students worked hard to produce a final product which celebrated and culminated their learning of vocabulary around free-time and holidays.

They drafted and re-drafted their writing to develop quality, and eventually stood in front of a camera and delivered their work, concentrating on adding expression to their spoken Spanish.
Take a look at their beautiful work:

As you know last term, as part of our Crew Day, students in G29 carried out fundraising for Toilet Twinning. This was connected to their learning from their expedition “Staying Alive” which included study of access to clean water.

This is a brilliant example of the 3-dimensional nature of our curriculum. We ask students to produce beautiful work, so that they develop their character and as a consequence see academic success.

The study of separating mixtures is part of the national curriculum. Studying this through expeditions brings this learning to life. Our students carried out practical investigations into separating mixtures, and learned about the need to filter and treat water from an expert in sewage treatment. Importantly, they also read a text about two children in rural Kenya, whose lives were markedly different due to the level of access to potable water. This was the driver for our Crew day: helping students to get a visceral insight into the daily experience of some children, asking them to show resilience, to support each other as a Crew whilst raising funds to make a difference.

Our aim for the day was to raise enough money to support one toilet block being installed in a place of need.

We are delighted to announce that, with your support, we have smashed that target!

Students raised a total of £1269 which has enabled us to twin our toilets with four sets of toilet blocks in schools in Malawi, Nigeria and Tanzania – one set for each Crew.

Thank you so much for your support, it is so important in helping our students see that they are important, that their work is truly important and has global reach.

Beautiful work from Olivia in G29

Olivia in G29 has been enjoying our current expedition ‘Hold Back The River’ so much that she has been conscientiously looking for links to our guiding question, ‘How does water shape our world?’, everywhere and producing extended study that has not been set for her or requested. Olivia watched a film Avatar, The Way of Water and was so inspired by the water speech in that film that she then wrote her own poem. Olivia’s class 2 crew all agreed that both the speech from the film and Olivia’s own poem were examples of beautiful work linking so well with our expedition that we should share on our website.
Enjoy, and well done Olivia.

Avatar, The Way of Water Speech:
The way of water has no beginning and no end.
The sea is around you and in you.
The sea is your home before your birth and after your death
Our hearts beat in the womb of the world.
Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep.
The sea gives and the sea takes.
Water connects all things.
Life to death.
Darkness to light.

Olivia’s poem inspired by the speech:
Water runs through our veins cleansing the body and soul.
It is around and in us.
The blessing brings us the joy of life, family, friends.
Our hearts beat in unison with the life around us
as our passion burns within the deep ocean of life.
Water is our family before and after life.
It connects us all.
It’s our guardian and home.
Water is our world
We have one world and one chance to save it.

Beautiful work from Grace in G29


Grace has completed a 6-week course and assessment and has now qualified as a mentor at Stepney Banks Stable. This enables her to support younger riders in the arena and guide them round during lessons. She is also now able to prep ponies for lessons and look after them after lessons. Fantastic work Grace!