All of us at XP Gateshead would like to wish a ‘Happy Vaisakhi’ to our Sikh friends at Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha and would like to give special thanks to their support in our Year 7 learning expedition “Do your bit”.

All of us at XP Gateshead would like to wish a ‘Happy Vaisakhi’ to our Sikh friends at Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha and would like to give special thanks to their support in our Year 7 learning expedition “Do your bit”.
I hope everyone is enjoying the Easter break.
As you know, being crew is what we are all about at XP. Whilst this means having each other’s back, it also means celebrating each other’s successes.
Hallie was so impressed by her shoulder partner’s creative writing that she told me I need to put it on the website so that everyone can read it. Emily is a very talented writer but she was also able to improve her writing either further through the kind, specific and helpful critique that she received from her shoulder partner too. That is what we love to see from our students, and I have to agree with Hallie, it is excellent!
See if you can guess the persona of Emily’s writing (HINT: it fits with the Easter theme…)
I shivered in the cold, dead of the night.
They have stopped now. All of them. Fools. Why scream and shout if you aren’t going to achieve anything at all. Mother says they’re stupid but Father is always saying that he wishes he was a human so that he could fight in a blazing war like this.
I can hear them. Gunshots, screams and the dreadful pain in these men’s voices pains me. In the day, fighting their hearts and blood out just to make a man happy. I hate it. And the smell! That awful decaying smell of rotting bodies that keep multiplying day by day seeps through the walls of our burrow.
I’m trying to get to sleep but I can hear mother and father scattering for things in the other room. Silently I crawl out of bed and make my way to the tunnel. I’m on my way downstairs, when suddenly there’s a big bang and I fly up into the air. The ground beneath me slips as I scramble to find a footing. There’s shouting and I can hear mother and father gathering my siblings. They say name by name until they come to mine. But no name falls from their mouths. I’m falling deeper and deeper with my hope following me. I’m scared. Scared enough to run ten miles away. I give up.
Black. All I can see is black. I don’t know what to do and I keep wondering if my family is alright; the children, Mother, Father. What has happened to them? Blood gathers on my fur. I decide to try and see if I can get out of this black hole and so I bat my feet against something sharp. It seems to work as there’s a rumble and the warm sun wafts against my ears. This is comforting in some way but mostly irritating.
I can hear men shouting. I look around. There’s a man lying on the ground with blood spilling out of his leg. I cautiously walk over to him. His eyes are open and he seems alive.
“Hilfe, Hilfe..” he mutters softly.
Father says that if I were to ever see a man wounded I would tell him but father isn’t here so I try to help the man. He has a rock digging into his leg. It’s heavy and hard to move but I can just manage to push it out of the way. Suddenly he bolts upright and looks around frantically. He looks down at me. I can see that he is young and has bright blue eyes that shine with the sun. All of a sudden he picks me up. He tries to stand but stumbles and drops me.
I can tell he’s frantic so I sit with him. Father says we make humans feel nice. I’ve never known why but I don’t care. It makes me feel good to be able to help the man so I don’t leave his side.
Dusk attacks, and he’s still lying on the ground. Suddenly he picks himself up and is upright on his feet. He picks me up, making sure he is gentle, and walks away from the rubble. I suppose this is like saying goodbye.
Goodbye Mother, goodbye Father, goodbye home.
Hello, new beginning…
We love to publicise the great work that our students do inside and outside of school. This week:
William in Year 7 took part in the Spring Concert with the Music Hub, and has enjoyed putting work into learning new notes on his trombone. Fantastic work William.
Connor and Lewis in Year 7 are through to the cup final on Saturday and on top of that they’re currently 2nd in their league. So we could have both cup and league winners on our hand! In their match last Saturday, Connor scored from the halfway line and defended against another boy who had a football scout watching him, so he was really proud of himself! Great work Connor and Lewis.
Mia in Year 7 achieved 2nd place in her tap this weekend and has another competition ahead next weekend. We know that Mia works so hard, we see it every day in school too. Beautiful work Mia!
Also this weekend Harry in Year 7 achieved his brown stripe in karate, which was a big surprise to Harry as he had been hoping for a blue belt. Having just started in July 2021 this is fantastic progress. Great work Harry!
And finally some wonderful activist work from Oliver in Year 8. Oliver did an absolutely fantastic job at the sponsored climb for NeuroActiveUK. The aim was for all climbers to collectively climb 1085 metres: the height of Snowdon, but collectively they managed to exceed that target and achieved the height of Ben Nevis at 1345m. Oliver and his family have managed to raise almost £2000 so far. Absolutely smashing work Oliver!
Scarlett represented XP Gateshead in the British Schools National Judo Championships at the weekend.
This is a national championship so the standard is incredibly high, and Scarlett won the bronze medal at the event which is a fantastic achievement.
Beautiful work Scarlett, or should we say 美しい作品 .
Mia has recently performed at Disneyland Paris with her dance group Happy Feet Dance.
Mia and her friends danced professionally with a polished performance. We’re so proud that Mia shone bright on that stage. Mia has danced with this group since she was just 3 years old! What a great opportunity.
Beautiful work Mia!
Ms Donlan went to see a performance at The Little Theatre with The Progressive Players this weekend and look who turned up: The Elf Who Saved Santa.
Ms Donlan was really impressed : “Ben’s performance was wonderful – he’s a natural on the stage”.
Great workshop work Ben!
During their fieldwork this week, G29 students were interviewing members of the mining community. Here are Winnie’s beautiful notes from the session. These notes are really impressive and show how mindfully Winnie has participated in the preparatory lessons and fieldwork.
Winnie has pre-prepared questions, condensed what has been said into short points, colour coded the types of information she heard and also identified gaps in what she knows about her expert Darren. Absolutely fantastic!
This week students in nature club were scheduled to meet an expert, but after a change in plans students chose to spend the session making our local environment better by doing a litter pick in the community near to the school site. Here is Penny, delighted with her work and a full bin bag!
Arlo and William took part in a brass event on Friday last week ahead of the Brass In Concert competition – a world renowned event.
Arlo and William had a great day, and enjoyed playing some brilliant repertoire including Bryan Ferry, James Brown and Queen at Sage Gateshead.
Great work boys!