G29 fieldwork will go ahead as planned on Friday 14th February. However, the forecast predicts cold temperatures that may feel as low as -1°C. To ensure students stay warm and comfortable throughout the day, please make sure they come to school dressed appropriately.

Essential Clothing for the Day:

Multiple warm layers (e.g. thermals, jumpers, fleeces)
A winter coat (preferably waterproof)
Walking socks (or multiple pairs of socks)
Gloves and a hat
Sturdy, weather-appropriate footwear

If a student arrives without suitable clothing, they will be required to borrow items from our supply of Duke of Edinburgh spare gear to ensure their safety and comfort.

Additional Recommendation:

If available, students may bring a picnic blanket to sit on while eating their packed lunch outdoors.

Please see the website post for more detailed arrangements.


Our school, along with several others in Gateshead, has agreed to participate in a very important Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire for our children and young people.

We have been asked to support the work of the Local Authority and Public Health and we will benefit from our participation in the survey by using the response to:

 Help us decide upon priority areas of development for the next 2 years.
 Be a starting point for discussion in staff, governor, and parent meetings, as well as in classroom activities.
 Help us look to strengthen existing programmes.
 Help to evaluate our PSHE and pastoral work.

The survey method that we are using has been developed by the Schools Health Education Unit, Exeter and has been in use now for over 40 years. Over 3000 schools have used the survey, many of them regularly repeating the survey.

The questions concern a wide range of health behaviours, for example:

Personal background Drugs (vaping, alcohol, other)
Leisure and money Food and diet
Exercise Safety in person and online
Relationships Sexual health (Year 10 only)

The data collected from the questionnaire is completely anonymous; no student will be able to be identified at any point in the process.

The information collated from the questionnaires will provide Gateshead Council with valuable data about the lives of children in Gateshead, which will be used to inform the development and delivery of Council provided and commissioned services. Both the Local Authority and the school find the content of the questionnaire acceptable and appropriate; it has been customised to suit our local setting.

Each questionnaire is anonymous and confidential, and no pupil will be identified when the data is returned to the school. The Local Authority will receive an overarching report covering all schools in Gateshead. Data Protection concerns are covered in the Privacy Notice for pupils, which can be found on the link.

I hope you will agree with us that this is an exercise in which we wish to co-operate fully.  There is currently no evidence-base that has data collected directly from our children and young people to help us use their voice in the work we do in Gateshead.

I will assume you do approve unless I hear otherwise. We hold a copy of the questionnaire in the school office, and if you would like to examine it, you are welcome to please email Miss Jones:  [email protected]

As part of the survey, it will be helpful if your child knows their partial postcode:
NE / DH _ _ _ (For example, NE3 4 or NE11 6)
The survey will be carried out between 10th to 31st March.

More information to be found here.docx

We are about to reach a really important moment in the growth of your child, as Year 9 will carry out their Passage Presentations to prove their readiness for GCSE studies.

Passage presentations with portfolios require and empower students to take the lead role in their own learning, building the dispositions and skills they will need to succeed in the next stages in education or training or in life.

Creating a portfolio and sharing it with a caring but critical audience is a powerful rite of passage for our students.

Passage Presentations last one hour. As family panellists you will listen to your child’s presentation, use rubrics to discuss the quality of the presentation with the other panellists, and then give feedback to the student.

Please use this form to indicate which slots would be your preference for booking a Passage Presentation time for your child.

Dear Families

It has been a busy week as usual at XP Gateshead this week and as always, our students step up to the challenge making the words of Kurt Hahn become more real each day

“There is more in us than we know if we could be made to see it;, for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less.”


Our year 7 students have had the privilege of working online with expert Rav Singh, the founder of ‘A little History of the Sikhs’ in their Human session this week. Rav worked with our students on their current HUMAN expedition exploring the guiding question: ‘Why do we need to honour all those who made sacrifices during WWI?’, helping students to understand the experience of Sikhi soldiers and their contribution during WW1. 


G31 SLCs continued last week and our Year 7 Crew Leaders have been full of praise for the courage students have shown in their first SLC and the high quality of their work and presentation. Our students have definitely set the bar high.


On Monday I had the pleasure of joining Class 1 fieldwork to the V&A in London who, like Class 2 worked with artists on their Design challenge ‘High Street, My Street’. It is a great brief which ties into their current expedition and guiding question, ‘What is Power?’. Students have been asking where power lies in art & design, especially looking at the impact on larger brands and retailers and the changes which have taken place on our high streets over time.

The conduct of G30 has been exemplary on this fieldwork and it has been a real joy to spend time with year 8 enjoying the magnificent V&A and see them work with artists outside of XPG.

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G30 SLCs also continued last week and it was great to hear from both parents and students about the step up made in SLCs since Year 7 and the growing confidence and maturity shown in presentations.


Work on passage preparation is underway for Year 9 students. Having considered metaphors for their time at XPG, students are currently reflecting on their progress as writers, mathematicians and artists using evidence from their portfolios across Year 7 and Year 8. Students have also been considering the learning journey they have been on at XPG their character development.

We will share a booking system with you tomorrow where you can indicate which time slots would work best for you as a family. There will be slots during the day on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th March and some limited slots after school on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th March.


Our Year 10 students have been reflecting on their progress and targets in each subject area in readiness for next week’s Teacher Students Learning Conference (TSLC). Students will sit alongside their subject teachers to present their learning and share their revision plans and readiness for KS4 exams. Students have been making 5 minute appointments with staff and all parents should now have appointments with all subjects.

Please see the website post for more details. 

Winning ways

A final highlight to share from last week is a football success. Mr Devitt took a team of Y9 and Y10 students to compete with another Gateshead secondary school on Thursday and XPG came away with their first win! As a small school, it is always a challenge competing with other schools in team sports and we always remind our students that taking part, displaying XP character values and enjoying the game is more important than winning. 

The week ahead

National Apprenticeship Week

This week is National Apprenticeship Week. Over the week we will provide students with more information about possible routes into careers through apprenticeships at a range of levels, from intermediate through to degree level. This will include testimony from existing apprentices.

Safer Internet Day

It is Safer Internet Day on Tuesday this week. The focus for this year is when things seem ‘too good to be true’, in particular teaching our children the signs that they are potentially being exploited or scammed.

G31 Gurdwara Fieldwork – Tuesday 11th February 

On Tuesday 11th February our Year 7 students will visit the  Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Sabha in Newcastle to find out more about Sikhi and how temples operate as part of their expedition ‘Do your bit’. Please see the website post for more detailed arrangements.

G30 Design Challenge Fieldwork – Tuesday 11th February (Class 2) and Thursday 13th February (Class 1) 

Our work with the Shipley Art Gallery, V&A Museum and Design Lab Nation continues this week.  Our students will work at Orbis studios which will give them an opportunity to look at Gateshead High Street and start to consider their response to their brief. Students have been challenged to create art using waste materials in response to the shift in power between larger companies and independent companies as exemplified in the growth of out of town shopping and continued decline of the high street in most places in England.

See this website post for more details.

G29 Fieldwork – Friday 14th February 

On Friday 14th February, students will be conducting fieldwork to explore the question: Why are there variations in life expectancy in Gateshead? Our students have already analysed secondary data from the national census and this fieldwork will enhance their understanding by gathering primary data through firsthand observations and surveys. Please see the website post for more detailed arrangements.

PE this week

  • G31 (Year 7)
    • Both classes have PE on Wednesday this week.
  • G30 (Year 8)
    • Class 1 have PE on Tuesday this week.
    • Class 2 have PE on Thursday this week
  • G29 (Year 9)
    • Both classes have PE on Thursday this week.
  • G28 (Year 10)
    • Both classes have PE on Thursday this week.

In line with our dress code, we expect students to arrive at PE lessons with a change of kit which is appropriate for the activity and all accessories removed. This includes sports trainers with non slip soles e.g. running shoes/astro turf (not plimsolls). Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit. 

Clubs and Extended Study

We will be running all after school clubs and extended study this week. 

Dates to note – holiday dates

Please note that our dates do not always fully align to other Gateshead schools. 

We do not authorise students to take holidays during our school term times. 

Spring half-term break

  • Starts Friday 21st February. We return to school on Monday 3rd March 2025. 

Easter Holidays

  • We break up for Easter holidays Friday 28th March and return to school on Monday 14th April 2025. Please note that the bank holiday weekend of Good Friday 18th April and Easter Monday 21st April are outside of our two week break. See 2024/25 Calendar.

As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance. Thank you as always for your ongoing support.

Julie Mosley


G30 Art Fieldwork to Gateshead this week

As a follow up to our fieldwork to London, this week Year 8 students are working with our partners at the Shipley Art Gallery using Orbis in Gateshead as a venue.

  • G30 Class 2 will be working at Orbis throughout the day on Tuesday 11th February
  • G30 Class 1 will working at Orbis throughout the day on Thursday 13th February

We will be travelling to Heworth Metro on foot, and then onto Gateshead Interchange by Metro.

The fieldwork will take place entirely within the school day so students should arrive at school at the normal time and will be leaving school at the usual time too.

On the days that students are working at the art Gallery they will need:

  • A packed lunch – we can provide packed lunches for students that have free school meals
  • Full kit including charged iPad and water bottle
  • Comfortable walking shoes or trainers and appropriate clothing for the weather.
  • The forecast is currently rainy for Tuesday, and cold on both days.

On Friday 14th February, students will be conducting fieldwork to explore the question:
Why are there variations in life expectancy in Gateshead?

To prepare for this investigation, students have already analysed secondary data from the national census in school. Now, they will enhance their understanding by gathering primary data through firsthand observations and surveys.


Students will spend the full day on foot, walking between XPGateshead, Felling Square, and Durham Road (Low Fell High Street) to examine inequalities in the local area. The data they collect will contribute directly to their final reports.

This fieldwork will also be a physical challenge, covering approximately 10km, providing excellent preparation for the Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE)!

What Students Need to Bring:

Full School kit
Comfortable trainers or walking shoes
At least one full water bottle (no refill points available during the day)
A rain jacket (weather conditions may change)
Packed lunch (provided for students on Free School Meals)

Important Notes:

This is an essential part of the students’ studies. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your child’s Crew Leader or Miss Jones as soon as possible.

Below are two extracts from students’ report introductions—showcasing the fantastic work they have already begun! Stay tuned for updates on their findings! ‍♂️

‘The study had been created to highlight the vast differences in life expectancy within Gateshead. The two areas of the study are Gateshead and Felling. These areas have been chosen because they are in our local area and areas in contrast. We looked at the indices of multiple deprivation and found that Felling  is in the 10% most deprived LSOA ( Lower layer Super Output Areas) compared to Low Fell which is within the 50% least deprived. On this study we expect to see Low Fell will have a higher life expectancy due to lower level deprivation. This study will have a focus on the impact of smoking and vaping on health’ – Hallie

‘This study is to underline the vast variations of life expectancy in gateshead. Our 2 areas we have chosen to study are Felling and Low Fell, because of the amount of contrast they have, almost a 10 year life expectancy gap, which is also shown in the map below. We have also chosen these 2 locations as they are in a close proximity to our school, which allows us to be able to complete both locations in 1 day. This study highlights how more deprived areas have a lower life expectancy, and how smoking and vaping connects to this. To do this we are going to be using both primary and secondary data, such as a field sketch and a litter count, which can tell us how much smoking and vaping connect to areas of deprivation. More deprived areas might have more litter than less deprived areas, therefore impacting the life expectancy as there would be more pollution. We are also going to be looking at how levels of deprivation can impact the services available to the people living there, such as health services and access to healthy food.’ Scarlett 





Exciting Launch of Our Student Leadership Programme!

This week, we proudly launched our Student Leadership Programme at XPGateshead! A huge congratulations to all our successful applicants who stepped up to take on leadership roles within our school.

Our newly appointed student leaders have already held their first meeting, where they explored what it means to be a leader at XPGateshead. This is the beginning of an exciting journey where they will play a key role in shaping our school community.

Meet Our G28 Student Leaders:

Sports Committee: Danny, Elyse, Leon, Lily D, Corbyn, and Will Q

Librarians & Student Readers: Bella, Freya, and Ruby

Art Leaders & Mentors: Mason, Leighla, Charlie B, Katie N, and Tyler M

Lead Ambassadors: Devin, Laisey, Anya and Bella

Lead Steward: Ethan B

Science & Maths Leaders & Mentors: Harris and Archie

This is in addition to our Digital Leaders and Climate Action Team, who continue to work hard in making a positive impact on our school community.

I can’t wait to see what our student mentors and leaders achieve in the coming months! Watch this space—G29 and G30 leadership opportunities will be launching soon!

Sharing our Stories: 07/02/2025

Beautiful Work This Week

Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit xptrust.org.

Top of the Blogs

Know Yourself, Grow Yourself @ Norton Infants

Year 3 Singing with Geoff @ Green Top

Yummy Veggie Fajitas @ Plover

Do you want to make a pizza? @ Carcroft School

March against Segregation @ Norton Juniors

Weekly update for families @ XP Gateshead

X31 Skipper – Bringing a ‘Storm in a teashop’ to life! @ XP

E30’s Powerful Work on Macbeth @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

G28 Teacher / Student-Led Conferences next week

As you know, next week all students in G28 will be carrying out their first Teacher/Student-Led Conferences alongside their subject teachers and you.

Each conference will be strictly five minutes, with a few minutes of input from your child which our staff will support, and then there will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions of your child or their teacher.

  • For G28 Class 1 this event will take place on Monday 10th February between 4pm and 7pm.
  • For G28 Class 2 this event will take place on Tuesday 11th February between 4pm and 7pm.

Students have a booking sheet like this shared with them in their Crew Google Classroom. Tomorrow they will start to make appointments with their teachers for each conference, similar to more conventional parents’ evenings.

Please talk with your child about the time of evening that works best for you, so that your child can make appointments around those times.

Following these events next week, we will post some further guidance about revision and Year 10 study habits in the run up to mock examinations which will take place in the week commencing 28th April.