Fantastic singing opportunity

SING! is part of the The National Youth Choir of Great Britain.

The upcoming year’s SING! will start with a Spring Weekend, and participants can then choose to sign up for a Summer Vocal Day, and an Autumn Workshop Day with National Youth Choir vocal leaders. 

Spring Weekend 2024 

3rd & 4th February 10am – 4pm  
Newcastle Sixth Form College  

Take part in a weekend of singing with young people from across the North East! Learn new songs with the friendly team of vocal leaders from National Youth Choir, make new friends and develop your musical skills. At the end of the weekend, there will be a short celebration performance for your families so you can share what you have learnt together! 

  • For anyone interested in singing in Y6 to Y9 at a state school or home schooled in the North East of England, who aren’t currently part of National Youth Choir.  
  • Whatever style of music you love to sing, this weekend is open to all. We’ll learn a wide range of songs together! 
  • It’s free to take part and we can support travel costs from across the region for you and your family.

For more information and to sign up to SING! click here.

Dear Families

Hard work has continued as always in school this week. In crew, students have been working on their pledges around improving their HoWLs and academic performance. You will receive your child’s snapshot next week and your child will share their pledges with you so that you can see which areas they are targeting for improvement over the coming months.

Craftsmanship and quality is high on our agenda with Presentations of Learning for G28, G29 and G30 in the final two weeks of term. Our students will be working hard on their final products and preparing their responses to the guiding questions that they have been exploring all term. We cannot wait for them to share their beautiful work with you and know that, as always, they will impress with their compassion in supporting each other in the coming weeks, and the courage they will show when presenting their learning to the community. 

On Tuesday G30 students enjoyed working with our expert singer songwriter  Joe Solo on their folksongs which they will perform as part of their final product.



As you know, Mr Devitt graduated on Friday. Crew Parks gave him a great send off as he left site on Friday to attend his graduation ceremony with an impromptu guard of honour. 

Our week ahead 

Extended Study and Clubs

Our full after school offer is available this week with extended study and clubs running. 

PE sessions this week

Our PE sessions this week are as follows. Please ensure that your child has their  full PE kit.

All G30 students (Year 7) have PE on Monday this week.

All G29 students (Year 8) have PE on Wednesday this week.

For G28 students (Year 9)

  • G28 Class 2 students have PE on Tuesday and Friday this week. This is to account for the session that was missed due to a staff day.
  • Due to the Crew Day this week on Thursday, G28 Class 1 students will have an extra session of PE in a future week to accommodate this.

Crew Day – Thursday 7th December

Every term, we look to run a Crew Day which is an opportunity to ‘tend’ to crew and culture. Crew is our support network at XPG and key to the continued success of everyone at our school, we will revisit what it means to be crew and our responsibilities in getting everyone to the top of the mountain.

On Thursday, students will work with their crew and Crew Leader for the day developing their teamwork, crew identity and wellbeing.

In this week’s Crew Day:

G30 students will start their work on researching suitable people after whom to name their crews – people who have achieved great things and who display our character traits of courage, integrity, respect, craftsmanship and quality, and above all compassion.

G29 will start their work on  looking at which charity they want to support. Students will be putting together their proposals and pitching to the rest of their crew their choice of charity.

G28 will continue their activism work, the awareness raising and charity work they are planning to carry out this academic year. 

Presentations of Learning – a reminder of dates for your diary

G28 – How are structures important in helping us to explain our world? 

G28 will be presenting their learning on the evening of Thursday 14th December in Newcastle. The venue for this is Newcastle University, with part of the evening being held in the Herschel Building Lecture Theatre – where we held our Do Your Bit PoL in Year 7. The other half of the evening will be in the Farrell Centre which is nearby on Claremont Road. We anticipate that the evening will start at 6pm and finish at around 7.30pm. More details to follow on which building to go to first.

G30 – What do the communities of NE England owe to the miners?

G30 will be presenting their learning on the evening of Monday 18th December at St Mary’s Church in Heworth at 6pm-7.30pm.

G29 – What does it mean to be human?

G29 will be presenting their learning on the evening of Tuesday 19th December at XP Gateshead at 6pm-7.30pm.

A reminder that on these evenings, students remain in school to rehearse and polish their presentations. For the events that take place outside of school, we will transport students to the venues. Families are then asked to take students home directly from the venue.

Public speaking and sharing of learning through PoLs are an important element of our school model, and so it is vital that every student has someone from their family that is able to attend and support them in developing their character and demonstrating their academic learning.

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Julie Mosley

Principal, XP Gateshead

Sharing our Stories: 01/12/2023

Beautiful Work This Week

Pride of Thorne Awards

This very special event has brought together nominees from across Green Top’s local community who have been recognised for their invaluable work both with and for the people of Thorne. From food banks to emergency services to care homes – all were presented awards by KS1 children at Green Top, as part of their Expedition ‘Not all superheroes wear capes’. The list and variety of work celebrated this evening was incredible and each and every award was so well deserved. Congratulations to all of you from Green Top!

Norton Infants march for Askern CRY Foodbank

Carcroft celebrate and share their awesome ‘Chronica Carcroft’ Roman Newspaper!

Top of the Blogs

Year 6 final touchdown writing @ Green Top

G28 Class 1 Court Case @ XP Gateshead

X27 Ethics revising hard! @ XP

Case Study 3 – Reflection in 1M @ Plover

A freezing day out at the Kids EFL Cup! @ Norton Juniors

Christmas is coming! @ XP East

What does it mean to be British? @ Carcroft School

Presentation of Learning @ Norton Infants

We’ve got Vacancies at XP Trust!

Visit to find out more and apply to #JoinOurCrew

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Crew Stanton Christmas Movie Night

On Thursday 7th December Crew Stanton will be hosting a Christmas film. The film will start at 5:00 but students should arrive from 4:30 so they can purchase their hot chocolates and hot dogs and buy their refreshments. We estimate that students will be leaving the site by 7pm. 

Students have had the opportunity to vote for the film they would like to watch through a google form on Student Notices (if they did not do this this morning, please encourage them to do it ASAP).

Students can attend extended study as usual that night and then go to the movie, or they can go home and come back for 4:30.

Tickets will be £1.50 and will be sold at break and lunch on Friday this week and Monday and Tuesday next week. 

Students can wear whatever they like, Christmas outfits are encouraged!

The money raised will go towards supporting our crew charity, Tiny Lives.

Dear Families

We hope you have enjoyed your long weekend break, our staff have all been really busy at XP Gateshead planning our curriculum and next term’s expeditions. As you can imagine, there is a huge amount of time and effort spent on planning and preparing for our expeditions which include immersion, work with experts, fieldwork opportunities, guiding questions, anchor texts, high quality final products and presentations of learning. 

Thank you to all G28 families who have attended SLCs over the last two weeks. It has been great to read your exit tickets and see how proud you have been of your children who, once again, have stepped up to the challenge of presenting their work to you, sharing their progress and plans for next step development. We look forward to January now when we will have our next round of SLCs for G29 and G30 students. In advance of this we will have updated snapshots to share with you in the w/c 18th December.

Our week ahead 

Experts in school this week

G30 students will be working with our expert composer Joe Solo turning their mining community interviews into folksong.

Extended Study and Clubs

Our full after school offer is available this week with extended study and clubs running on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

Congratulations to Mr Devitt

As you may know, last year Mr Devitt was training in school to gain his full teaching qualification. Mr Devitt has his graduation ceremony this Friday. I know you will join us in congratulating Mr Devitt. We look forward to sharing pictures of Mr Devitt in his full academic gown and mortar board!

PE sessions this week

Due to our staff days and the above, G28 and G30 students will not have PE this week. We will look to rebalance this in a future week.

All G29 students (Year 8) have PE on Wednesday this week. Please ensure that your child has their  full PE kit.

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Julie Mosley

Principal, XP Gateshead

Crew Frank are hosting a Christmas raffle and gift sale for the Sir Bobby Robson foundation. 

Last year we chose the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation as our crew charity because we think he is a great role model and many of us in the crew have been impacted by cancer. So far we have raised £515.62 for the charity but we would love your support to raise more. 

We would appreciate it if family and friends of G28 would generously donate any unwanted items such as toys, books and gift packs.  Please bring any donations to school before the 15th December for the Christmas gift sale. 

Any raffle donations would be greatly appreciated before Friday 8th December. 

Please don’t feel pressured to be forced to donate but if you do, the money raised will all go to supporting people with cancer. 

Tickets for the raffle can be bought at our next Presentation of Learning on Thursday 14th December or during break times in coming weeks. 


Have a great weekend!

Crew Frank (G28)

G28, Class 1 Court Case!

Lord of the Flies Spoilers Ahead***

This week, students were asked to present a case for who they thought was responsible for Simon’s death in the novel.

They were given direction on the roles they would need and split into 2 groups – the next 40 minutes the preparation was over to them.

And wow, did they deliver. I invited Miss Pegg to join us as part of the jury and afterwards she sent this email to staff and shared it with students through student notices:

I have never been as proud or impressed by a group of students as I was today- I was absolutely blown away by the quality of work in HUMAN today.
Tyler S came to me at break and said he was really excited for me to see the court case you had been preparing. I had no idea just how good it would be or that you had only worked with your groups for 40 minutes!
As you delivered your arguments about who was responsible for the death of Simon in Lord of the Flies, I felt so unbelievably proud of the young people you are becoming. You are able to work together with thought, compassion and care to produce the most stunning work. I felt as if I was listening to college or university students. That’s how good it was. 
I cannot help but think about how far you have come in your 2 and half years at XPG. Your ability to consider a story from all angles and produce detailed and thorough accounts is a testament to your hard work and growth. To then deliver these arguments to an audience with emotion, conviction and courage is truly beautiful work. 
As you might have guessed, I feel a bit emotional about this! I can’t wait to see what you produce next. 
Thanks so much for letting me be part of it, 
Miss Pegg 
I could not agree more!
Once you have watched the video, please fill in this form to express who you felt had the most convincing argument.

Event at our partners Seven Stories this weekend



Join cartoonist and illustrator-extraordinaire, Martin Brown as we celebrate his latest exhibition full of Horrible Histories and Dazzling Drawings at Seven Stories. This is a unique opportunity to discover all of the tricks of the cartoon-trade from Martin in this interactive illustration masterclass.

Join Martin as he takes you through his classics such as Horrible Histories and Lesser Spotted Animals, and never-before-seen illustrations from his latest book Nell and the Cave Bear: The Journey Home.

Recommended for all the family.

Tickets £9.50 per child (includes one free adult)

Key information:

More information and booking can be found here.

Dear Families

Last week was another busy week for us at XP Gateshead. On Monday students were given the opportunity to listen to our remembrance broadcast on Memory Lane Radio. If you have not yet done so, please take some to listen to this wonderful piece of work from G29.

G30 – What do the communities of NE England owe to the miners?

This week G30 students have interviewed more experts from the mining community: Alan Cummings, MP Ian Lavery, Jean Spence & Norman Strike, each with different perspectives on the turbulent times of the 1984 Miners’ Strike and our guiding question.

Students will continue to work with these interviews to turn them into folksong next week with our expert composer Joe Solo who will be working alongside the students to hone their work ready for their Presentation of Learning on the evening of Monday 18th December at St Mary’s Church in Heworth.

G29 – What does it mean to be human?

This week, students have begun to turn more of their attention towards their final product and how we can promote organ donation through our artwork and responses to the guiding question. Andrew Lowes, consultant in anaesthetics and intensive care and clinical lead in organ donation for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital talked to our students about the importance of organ donation and therefore how important their work will be in saving lives in the future. We were also thankful to have Prahalad Nadella in school to talk to students about how Hindu teachings and beliefs contribute to his view on what it means to be human. You will be able to see a temporary installation of the artwork and hear our students; speeches in response to the guiding question at their Presentation of Learning on the evening of Tuesday 19th December at XP Gateshead.

G28 – How are structures important in helping us to explain our world? 

As well as their ongoing work to prepare for and host their SLCs, G28 students have been continuing in their studies of the structure of the atom, including reactivity, isotopes and radiation. Another area of study has been structures in government and society, with students making connections to our anchor text Lord of the Flies. On Friday students spent time preparing for a visit from Alice Wiseman – Director of Public Health for Gateshead who will talk to students about the structures that gave rise to the local response to the pandemic as well as the potential for careers in health. On the subject of careers, G29 students will also have some workshops with SOS connected to our school Climate Action Plan. The workshops this week will focus on Green Careers, an important and growing sector in the Local and National Labour Market.

G28 will be presenting their learning on the evening of Thursday 14th December. We should be able to confirm the venue for this event this week, once some final details have been arranged.

Climate Action Plan Launch

Congratulations to our Climate Action Plan Student Leaders from Year 7: Isaac, Elina, Molly, Freya & James; from Year 8: Reuben S; from Year 9: Hannah, Charlie, Harris &  Evan.

This group of students will be taking feedback from all students across the year to help develop a plan for how our school can be more sustainable.

Our week ahead 

Flu immunisations on Monday

Tomorrow morning nurses will be in school to administer flu vaccinations across all year groups for those students that have been given permission. These should be completed by lunchtime.

G28 Student Led Conferences

For the second week,  our Year 9 students will be presenting their SLC to families. 

Experts in school this week

As mentioned above G28 have Alice Wiseman in school tomorrow morning for their expedition. G28 also have their Careers workshops on Thursday.

On Tuesday, G29 will have experts on organ donation in school, some of whom have direct experience of the life changing impact of donation.

Staff Day on Friday this week and Monday of next week

We have a staff day this coming Friday. The focus for these staff days are forward planning, especially our exciting new learning expeditions for term 2 from January. Students are not expected to be in school on Friday and can work on their accelerated reader programme and any extended study – details of which are on Google Classroom.

PE sessions this week

Our PE sessions this week are as follows. Please ensure that your child has their  full PE kit.

  • All G30 students (Year 7) have PE on Monday this week.
  • All G29 students (Year 8) have PE on Wednesday this week.
  • For G28 students (Year 9)
    • G28 Class 1 students have PE on Thursday this week.
    • G28 Class 2 students would normally have PE on Friday this week but are not in school. We will look to rebalance this in a future week.

Extended Study and Clubs

Like last week, there are some changes to our clubs this week due to SLCs.

This mostly impacts on Thursday’s after school offer; there will be no Nature Club, Geography Club or Multi Sports due to G28 Crew Leaders taking part in SLCs.

Our new dance, multi sports and robotics clubs after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays continue.

If your child attends a sports club, they will need a full PE kit. For dance sessions, students can wear leggings, loose T-shirts and must be in socks or bare feet rather than trainers.

Remember, if a student attends an after school club or extended study session they must attend the full sessions until 4:30pm. 

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Julie Mosley

Principal, XP Gateshead

Sharing our Stories: 17/11/2023

Beautiful Work This Week

Rail City

From Market Town to Railway City – The Railway Journey that Helped to Shape Doncaster.

This is an updated collection of all the beautiful work created over the last few years by students across the XP Trust schools, inspired by the centenary of the Flying Scotsman and the railway heritage of Doncaster.

This book has given us an opportunity to update the original content of the many rail expeditions, with quotes from experts and our community about the importance of railways, the steam engines built here and the ongoing rail-related business here that will help shape the future of rail.

Published to coincide with a centenary celebration visit from the Flying Scotsman, we humbly hope that this book, created by our students and a new generation of rail enthusiasts, will become part of our railway story.

Norton Infants march for Askern CRY Foodbank

XP Gateshead: ‘Unheard voices of WWI’ broadcast on Memory Lane Radio

XP Doncaster: ‘Do Your Bit’ Radio Broadcast

Top of the Blogs

Weekly Update for Families @ XP Gateshead

C30: Hearing the stories of mining @ XP

A big thank you from KS1 @ Plover

Smashed it! @ Norton Juniors

World Diabetes Day 2023 @ XP East

Jaffa cake fractions @ Carcroft School

Fantastic family learning @ Green Top

Tranquil Tuesday Reading Crew @ Norton Infants

We’ve got Vacancies at XP Trust!

Visit to find out more and apply to #JoinOurCrew

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!