We are pleased to offer your child the opportunity to purchase the CGP GCSE Combined Science AQA Revision Guide, an excellent resource to support their studies.
We highly recommend this revision guide as a valuable tool to support your child’s preparation for their GCSE Combined Science examinations.
By purchasing these through school you will be able to buy at a discounted price.
Foundation or  Higher Level Revision Guides: £6.75 (RRP £11.99)
Exam Practice Workbook – Higher or Foundation (includes answers): £7.50 (RRP £11.99)
To buy these please use the XP Trust Shop. We would recommend buying the Higher editions as they contain all of the information for both foundation and higher entry. We can direct students at a later date to content that is relevant to their GCSE entry in year 11. Please select the ‘pick up’ option at checkout.
In the first instance could you please order before Wednesday 26th of March, so we can place the order. If you miss the deadline we will be organising a second order later in the next half term..
Many thanks.
The Science Crew.

Acknowledging Ramadan in Our School Community

Ramadan, a significant month in the Islamic calendar, is being observed by Muslims around the world. This fast, known as Sawm is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and during this time, many Muslims fast (refraining from eating and drinking) from dawn until sunset, dedicating themselves to reflection, prayer, and acts of kindness.

We recognise that fasting is an important commitment during this time, and we want to extend our understanding and encouragement to those in our school community, and their families, who are observing Ramadan.

Ramadan will continue until 30th March, and we encourage everyone to be mindful and considerate of those who are fasting.

To all who are observing, we send our warmest wishes during this special time.

G28 Revision and books

Happy Half Term!

G28 have brought home their History books to enable them to complete their History extended study which is revision of CS2 in preparation for an assessment in the first week back (date to be confirmed but students need to be prepared for it to potentially be the Monday). All instructions for the specific task are on their google classroom.

I rarely allow students to take their books home as their books are such an important resource, rich with all of their accumulated learning and knowledge. For this reason, it is so important that they are taken care of and kept safe. Please can you remind students of this and support them with this if necessary.

They will all need to bring their books back into school with them on Monday 3rd March.

Thanks for your support and I hope you have a lovely half term.

G28 Teacher / Student-Led Conferences

Apologies, in the previous post it should have said:

  • For G28 Class 1 this event will take place on Monday 10th February between 4pm and 7pm.
  • For G28 Class 2 this event will take place on Tuesday 11th February between 4pm and 7pm.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Our Raiders and invaders POL takes place from 4.30pm on Thursday 19th December. Doors will open at 4.15 pm so that the lessons can start promptly at 4.30pm. Yes, you read that right… lessons. Our PoL will take the form of taught lessons where students will teach you about an aspect of Viking History and the science of metallic materials from our expedition. 

We are asking you to sign up for two sessions. Your child will be able to tell you which session they have planned and are carrying out. This will be the first choice you make on the form, but the second session in the evening that you will attend.  This means you will be with your child at the close of the evening and be able to take the “Are you smarter than a Year 10? “ challenge, competing against your child! 

Our DT and IMedia students have designed a kiosk and the interactive quiz as part of their studies, so please also take the opportunity to ask them about their work. 


The sign up is below and we will confirm your choice with you in the evening. We will cap the sessions at 15 people. 


Class 1 Sign up

Class 2 Sign up 

We are looking forward to seeing you!

The G28 Team

Student artwork on a tote!

Don’t forget you can order a bespoke tote bag featuring your child’s beautiful artwork!

G28 students are going to undertake the production of these bags and guarantee the 1st 30 orders will be ready by 20th December (making it the perfect Christmas gift for family members). The bags cost ÂŁ5 and the money raised will go towards helping to fund the Silver Duke of Edinburgh expeditions.

If there is appetite for it, we will reopen orders in the new year but due to time constraints we can only at this stage guarantee the 1st 30 orders will be done in time for Christmas.

To order a bag you must use this Shopify link. It will show as sold out once 30 orders have been made. It is crucial that you leave a note on your order with your child’s name, Crew and the artwork you would like printed on the bag. Without this, we will not be able to create your bag and therefore it may not be ready by 20th December. 

If the artwork you are requesting is digital, it is very easy; your child simply needs to share the piece of work with Miss Tatters.

If it is a physical piece, it is very important to us that the student artwork is kept safe and secure. For this reason, we are asking your child to follow these steps once you have ordered a bag.

  1. Inform your child you have ordered a bag and which piece of work you have requested.
  2. The student will then collect the piece of artwork from their folder during their next art lesson (or at break or lunch)
  3. They will bring the artwork to G8 and place it in the purple folder on the teacher desk (ensuring their name is on the work either on the back or by attaching a post-it note). Without this, we will not be able to proceed the order. 
  4. When the bag is printed, we will hand the bag and the original artwork back to the student who will need to return the artwork to their art folder immediately.

We are really excited to be able to showcase the student work in this way and get it out into the community!

Dear Families

As we come to the end of term, we continue to celebrate our expedition work with Presentations of Learning where our students publicly share their final products and answers to their guiding questions with an audience of peers, staff, families and invited guests. Here is a lovely note of thanks from the Dickens society who attended G28’s PoL a couple of weeks ago.

Thank you for inviting myself and my fellow Dickensians, Chris McLoughlin and Chris Robson to discuss and share with your pupils our love of Charles Dickens and A Christmas Carol. 

They were open, receptive, challenging and keen to share their thoughts with us on the narrative and characters within the book.

Having attended your event on Wednesday it was wonderful to listen to  various crew members share excerpts from their essays addressing, with confidence, the expedition question “is charity enough”? A Christmas Carol deals with huge emotive themes of hunger, ignorance, poverty, greed and isolation along with family, love and happiness. As 14 and 15 year olds, they handled these with maturity and understanding. 

It was heart-warming to hear our words reflected back in depth showing they listened to us and used our conversations as a catalyst to undertake more indepth research.

Your students did you proud and are a credit to themselves and their school.

I wish all the students every success with their exams and thank you for the opportunity to be involved in some small way.

As Tiny Tim says “God bless us, every one!”


Anne and all my fellow Dickensians in the N.E. branch of the Dickens Fellowship.

Last week was the chance for our G29 students to share their work from this term’s expedition with the GQ: How are structures important in helping us to explain our world?. We returned to Newcastle University where our students also got the opportunity of a campus tour and time with ‘The 93% Club’ ( a students’ society for young adults who have come from state schools) who shared their experience of attending University.

We are very sorry but there is an issue with our website at the moment which means we can’t post images. We will put out another update at the end of the week with some more images, or there were some posted here at the end of last week.

Our students took over the Farrell Centre at Newcastle University and also showcased work at the Great North Museum creating a living expedition. They shared their knowledge around art and architecture, atomic structures in science, structures in government and society and made connections to the anchor text for this expedition, Lord of the Flies. Standing back and listening to our students ‘lead the learning’ in every sense of the word was simply stunning and we all could not have been prouder of G29.  We will post a link to the final product of the oral histories of Trinity Square Car Park in January – we had more experts in on Friday being interviewed to contribute to this important piece of local history.

We owe a huge thanks to all of the people who supported us and gave our students another opportunity to spend time at Newcastle University.

Our week ahead 

As always, we will be working hard until the end of Friday at XP Gateshead and students will be continuing to complete work on end of term assessments, final products, answers to GQ’s (guiding questions) and preparing for presentations of learning.

Presentations of Learning this week

A reminder that students will stay in school until they present. If you want to provide healthy snacks, students will be given some time during the afternoon to get a break between rehearsals.

Students should dress smartly for these occasions.

G31 Presentation of Learning – Monday 16th December at St Mary’s Church in Heworth at 4.30pm.

G31 will be presenting their learning from their first expedition – A Whole New World. More information can be found here.

G30 Presentation of Learning – Wednesday 18th December at XP Gateshead at 4.30pm.

G30 will be presenting their learning  from their current expedition – What does it mean to be human? This presentation of learning is taking place in school, so please arrive from 4.15pm.

G28 Presentation of Learning – Thursday 19th December at XP Gateshead at 4.30pm.

G28 will be presenting their learning  from their current expedition  – Raiders and Invaders. More information can be found here

No Extended Study and Clubs this week

We are not running our extended study offer or clubs this week due to Presentations of Learning this week.

PE sessions this week

Our PE sessions this week are as follows. Please ensure that your child has their  full PE kit.

  • All G30 students (Year 8) have PE on Monday.
  • For G31 students (Year 7)
    • G31 Class 1 students have PE on Tuesday.
    • G31 Class 2 students have PE on Wednesday
  • All G29 students (Year 9) have PE on Thursday.
  • All G28 students (Year 10) have PE on Thursday.

And finally…

Christmas events this week:

  • Crew Watson’s Christmas Bric-a-Brac event takes place during lunchtime, Monday 16th December. Students will be able to purchase gifts for a loved one and get it wrapped too! Full details here. 
  • XPG Christmas Lunch will take place on Tuesday 17th December. There will be a vegetarian option for Christmas lunch but none of the usual deli options on this day. If your child does not want a Christmas lunch, please provide a packed lunch on Tuesday. We are really looking forward to our whole school community having lunch together on Tuesday, it’s always a special one thanks to the hard work of our kitchen team. We’d love to see students in Christmas jumpers if they do have them too!

Early closure this Friday

Don’t forget that school finishes at the earlier time of 1.30pm this Friday. This is to allow us time to “degunge” and set up for the next term. Please make arrangements to pick up your children at the school gate for 1.30pm. As always, please be conscientious of our neighbours if parking as it is always very busy when students all leave school at the same time.

We return to school on Monday 6th January 2025. 

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Julie Mosley

Principal, XP Gateshead


Crew Frank will continue to sell tickets to their Christmas Quiz this week. The quiz will be held on the 12th December at 3.30- 4.30.

Tickets cost ÂŁ1 and all money will be donated to the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation.

Prizes will be given out to the winners!

You’ve got to be in it to win it!

G28 POL Success

Thank you to everyone who attended G28’s Afternoon Tea on Wednesday, it was lovely to welcome so many new members of our community into our school. The event was a roaring success and really demonstrated the power of connection and community.

I have included here some of the poignant extracts from the students’ answers to the guiding question which were read out yesterday at the event. We were all blown away by the maturity, the reflection and the passion portrayed in these words.

Well done to all of the students for their beautiful work on this and thanks again for supporting our students and our school.

Sabrina – In this expedition our guiding question was ‘is charity enough?’. In my eyes I would say no. Charity is all about providing resources, food banks and funds to those in need and while that is a necessary step to ending poverty; I feel that relationships and bonds also play a key part. Without them, someone can be free from material poverty but still be in deprivation in regards to relationships and feel a sense of emptiness – the exact same emptiness that someone with lack of money would feel. While reading A Christmas Carol, we see in stave three that when Scrooge visits the miners, although they had absolutely nothing, their company and togetherness made up for it. This shows us that relationships are near enough the equivalent to a fortune and we even see Scrooge (a solitary miser) admit this when telling the ghost of Christmas Past about how Fezziwig had the ability to make the affection and the happiness he gave be quite as great as if it cost a fortune. Scrooge was a man of many riches yet was deprived of friendships and family, proving to us that someone who is financially whole still has the capability to not fully be whole as a person. 

Katie W – Charity is good, it’s so important, but it’s not enough. People shouldn’t have to depend on others’ kindness just to survive. We need to do more, not just to help right now, but to fix the bigger problems. Everyone deserves to live without having to hope someone else will save them and maybe be in constant worry that someone won’t. Also people should feel like they have enough and to be comfortable with what they have and how they are living. 

Emily – Bonds transform lives! Charity is not just about giving- it is about seeing humanity in another person. It is the smile that is exchanged, the hand offered, the simple words ‘you matter’. These bonds create ripples of hope and healing for beyond the material provided. When we build connections, we nourish not only our body’s but hearts and spirits.

Evan – This expedition had the guiding question: ‘Is Charity Enough?’ We looked at Charles Dickens’ famous novella A Christmas Carol, which covers the story of a ‘covetous old sinner’, Ebenezer Scrooge. Throughout the tale Scrooge undergoes an amazing transformation that Dickens aimed to show the reader, is possible for anyone to experience. The start of the novella introduces Scrooge as ‘a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone … a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! … self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.’ who rejects invitations for Christmas dinner and to donate to the poor. Scrooge had the typical Malthusian view of many Victorians that would have read the book at the time; the idea that the only way to decrease the excess population, hence Scrooge’s infamous quote; ‘if they had rather die …  they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population’. At the end of the novella, however, Scrooge vows to ‘honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.’ saying that he will be more generous and jovial all year. Christmas is shown to Scrooge all through the book, as three spirits; the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Christmas Yet To Come, show him how it is celebrated in different ways and by different people, but that overall, what matters most is family bonds and the time spent together with others. By showing Scrooge this, Dickens allowed him to be redeemed and transform into a much kinder, more generous man, and by showing the reader Scrooge’s transformation, he would hope that they could find it in themselves to change.

Danny – In the novel we were told lots about charity and Scrooge represented rich people in this time. He refused to donate to charity in the first stave which summarised how they treat the poor in Victorian society. As the novella goes on, Scrooge’s attitude towards society changes for the better and he begins to support charity workers which we can see in stave 5. Dickens’ message was to show that the rich people have the power to change their attitude towards the poor but it’s down to them to decide if they will or won’t. 

Louie – This entire interaction links to the common views that many people of a greater wealth would have during the victorian era, with many people believing that the poor were only poor because they were lazy, which is why scrooge asks if there are “no prisons” or “no workhouses” in order to avoid paying the charity collectors. The common views of Scrooge are the direct antithesis, or opposite, of Dickens’ own views towards the poor in Victorian England. Dickens was known to be a compassionate philanthropist, often making donations to charities at the time, along with this he was a massive activist who stood up for human rights.

Lily – Workhouses and prisons were available for the people who were living on the streets but the conditions were appalling and as we see in the book “many can’t go there; and would rather die” and Scrooge’s response to this was “If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” This very much displays the point of the upper classes’ ignorance. Dickens’ main aim of A Christmas Carol was to display people’s ignorance to poverty and problems in the world. I wonder if A Christmas Carol made an impact then? Because if it did, maybe we could use this now.

Holly S – In the period that we live in, we have places like food banks and different charity places. This is a large improvement on the Victorian times as people nowadays are seen as struggling and in need of help, rather than lazy and a waste of space and money. However, this does not change the fact that people are still struggling with loneliness and often spend Christmas without their family or friends. People often overlook loneliness during Christmas time and focus solely on giving away money and gifts. This causes issues because someone could have all the money in the world but could also feel like the loneliest person in the world at the same time, which is exactly what’s happening to these people at Christmas time. Therefore we must try to feel empathy as to how they would feel for the other 11 months of the year, where they are receiving less charity and less help. Giving items and money to those in need isn’t enough for them to fully thrive emotionally and will only help them through Christmas. It won’t get rid of the feeling of loneliness.

Bella – This very same ideology can be applied to the world we live in. The struggles of those around us are comparable or maybe even significantly worse than those seen in a christmas carol however they are far from fictional. There are more than 170,000 charities in the UK and yet more than 13 million people are living in poverty. Over 300,000 people have nowhere to call home. Over 3 million people are malnourished. How can that be? I believe that more effort, thought and time needs to go towards preventing these problems rather than throwing loose pennies at those suffering the consequences. A food bank would not have impact without the donations of kind hearted people with food to spare, a coastal cleanup would not have impact without the hard work of volunteers, a charity itself would fail to function without the people truly passionate about making a difference who organised them.

Liam – This is still seen in today’s world. Homeless and poor people are being rejected and ignored. The play I, Daniel Blake shows this very well from the poor’s point of view. That very play caught the attention of governments. Things are beginning to get better with more help to those who need it. However, even with money anyone can suffer from loneliness. Loneliness can severely impact a person’s mental state and is more common than you may think. Some people find Christmas to be a sad time with no one to be with. This is why bonds are so important. To always have someone to talk to is something no one should ever go without. Friends and family will always be there when you need them and without it, it’s something that I think must be handled.

Will – In my personal opinion, I think charity is nowhere near enough and it is so far away from being enough. I think that people should never be in the state of having to use charity. Personally, I think that it should be used as a last resort. Charity does not help people being lonely, paying the bills and the food they need to get the feeling of fulfilment. People use charity to survive and we need to help them to thrive. 

Beth – Around this time of year, especially those who cannot afford Christmas, find themselves to be quite alone, as maybe they can’t visit family or friends. Maybe they feel inadequate as a parent because they couldn’t get their child a gift. Without bonds, families can be lost and friends can fall apart. This is why now, around Christmas time we not only have to try our best to give to those without much on Christmas, we have to always, no matter what, be kind, thoughtful and polite when speaking to anyone.

Ruby – But charity is still essential. It reminds us of our shared humanity and plants seeds of empathy that can grow into movements for change. Charity is the beginning of something greater—a way to inspire hope and call people to action. Charity is only a stepping stone, essential to the path to total equality but not the whole path itself. Charity, while powerful, is not enough on its own. It can soothe pain, bring comfort, and remind people they are loved, but it must be paired with systemic reform to create lasting change. As individuals, we must give generously and care deeply, while demanding a society that lifts everyone up. After all, the true measure of charity is not just in what we give but in how we change—ourselves, our communities, and our world.

Daniel Dav No charity is not enough until we have everyone thriving, and even then people will make it difficult for people to live a sustainable life.  Charity can ease the pain of individual people, offering kindness in the face of hardship, but it’s not enough to create a fair and just world. True change demands addressing the systems that keep people trapped in cycles of inequality. This would ensure dignity, opportunity, and fairness for everyone. Charity gives relief, but justice creates hope.