We have set extended study for G28 students through Google Classroom. All work set is due on Monday 1st November. If students have any issues they should contact their teacher through Google Classroom.

We recognise that students have just got their iPads so much of this extended study is revision of work already done in school and is light touch at the moment.
We want the students to get into good habits around doing extended study often, so it would be best if students can space out this work and a do a little every day or two. The work that has been set should help them to see early success in these apps. The work will increase in challenge when we return to school after the break.
- Students have been set a range of tasks in Hegarty Maths to complete. Students need to login and click on ‘my tasks’ and complete each exercise set. Students should have their notebook with them beside their iPad to do working out. If they need help, they should watch the tutorial video for the exercise by clicking ‘get help’.
- Students have been set revision in Hegarty Maths. They should go to ‘my tasks’ and complete MemRi tasks 3 times per week.
- Students should do at least 30 minutes of ttrockstars each week in the ‘garage’. This is better spaced out. For example 10 minutes every couple of days is ideal.
- Bucket list. Students already have a range of 10 maths challenges from their bucket list booklet to work on. These 10 challenges need to be completed. Students should bring evidence of these tasks to school (photographs on ipads or notes for example)
- Students have been set 2 Google Form Quizzes for science as a recap. These are on the subject of the particle model and earth structure. Students should have their notebook beside them to make notes on any errors. The point is to ‘over learn’, so students should do the tests until they are regularly scoring above 20 points.
- Students have ben set a video in Clickview to watch on igneous rocks as a recap. Again the point is to ‘over learn’ so students should watch again and again until they get every question correct every time.
- Coal during World War 2: Students have 3 tasks to complete. Students have a Google Doc created for them in Google Classroom. There is an optional extension task too.
- David Almond talking about Grandpa in Kit’s Wilderness. Students have been set a video to watch and a Google Doc has been created for them to answer questions.
Senorita Quested has set some fun half-term challenges for students. She would like each student to complete at least two from:
- Look up a cooking recipe for “Spanish tortilla”, “paella” or “churros” online and try making it at home.
- Places to visit: “Chuchos tacos” in Jesmond or Byker and “Boquerones” in Heaton, Newcastle for a taste of delicious Spanish tapas.
- Listen to some Spanish music. Look up the artist Rosalía who puts a modern twist on Flamenco.
- Watch the animation films “Coco” or “The Book of Life” to learn about the Day of the Dead festival in Mexico. Note down 5 things they do to celebrate the festival to share with us.
- Watch your favourite film and add Spanish subtitles. Note any words you learn ready to share when we return. (there are loads of Spanish language videos on Clickview)
- Learn a Spanish tongue twister. You could try Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas. ¿Con cuántas planchas Pancha plancha?
- Create some posters of inspirational Spanish quotes to put up in your bedroom/ around school. Pinterest is a great place to start!
Muchísimas gracias
See you all in two weeks!