G30 Year 7 – First session in the Food Tech kitchen tomorrow for all students

G30 are currently learning about nutrition and digestion through a lens of food poverty as part of their expedition with the guiding question ‘Is survival sufficient?

Tomorrow all students are going to learn how to make a tomato sauce using low-cost ingredients, a basic staple from which they can make many other dishes.

We are providing ingredients for tomorrow but there are some important things to note.

For their session in the kitchen:

  • all students with long hair will need a bobble to tie their hair back
  • any nail varnish must be removed; this will prevent nail varnish from chipping and falling into the food. This is common practice in all food preparation establishments.

If students want to take the food that they cook home, they will need to bring a plastic or Tupperware style container that can be securely closed.