Click read on blog to see the poster
Click read on blog to see the poster
Without a doubt, this week has been one of the highlights of my time at XP Gateshead with G28 stepping up to, and indeed surpassing, the high expectations and demand of Passage Presentations.
Over the past three weeks we have seen our Year 9 students work hard to produce beautiful scripts to tell their XP journey to date with integrity and how they have developed as a learner. Students have supported and challenged each other to show real craftsmanship and quality in their writing, lifting each other to produce work better than they thought possible. The spirit of Y9 crew and compassion has underpinned all of this work and the success students have achieved.
To stand and present to an audience takes real courage and maturity, as reflected by our panellists (families and experts alike)
“I honestly don’t think half the adults I know (including myself) could write such a structured, reflective piece of work and deliver it as well as you did” (Y9 Parent)
“The process allowed our daughter to showcase her learning at a high level, the awareness of what she has achieved, reflected back and been proactive in her learning is outstanding. Learning how to present formally in front of others and speak confidently to a range of visitors/new experts has allowed our daughter to experience first hand what the world of work will be like. It’s also been an opportunity for us to show her how proud we are of her hard work, determination and genuine loving character of a young lady which we have the pleasure of being with every day.” (Y9 Parent)
“The students articulated, with integrity and maturity, their respective positions on their learning journeys to teachers, parents and, more importantly, adults they had not met before. There are adults who do not have this insight or could communicate this to strangers in this way. This process was very similar to a postgraduate progress panel” (Expert panellist)
‘It was an absolute privilege to be able to be involved in this process. The emphasis and importance that has been placed upon this process for students was almost tangible. Students had all taken this process so seriously and had clearly spent a lot of time preparing. I particularly loved the involvement of families in the process. This was also such a huge moment for them too. Embarking on their GCSE’s and the commitment to this process and their learning was just wonderful to see, which all comes back to the culture which has been created at XPG” (Expert panellist)
The words of Kurt Hahn were never more true:
But I think Harris, one of our Y9 students captured this with his metaphor of a hike to describe his time at XP.
“At the start, the mountains I climbed were new but not difficult. As time went on, the mountains became steeper and higher. However, it is nothing compared to the view at the top and is completely worth the climb.
I’m not going to stop climbing mountains moving forward and I look forward to the many views that are still yet to be seen. I will take rests when I need to but I am never going backwards.”
If there are any families still to give us feedback on the passage process, please can you do so by clicking here.
Inspiring activism in our students is central to our work at XPG.
Following this week’s Crew morning where students put together their proposals for which charity they wanted to support and pitched these to the rest of their crew, each Y8 crew announced their chosen charities on Friday in our whole school community meeting.
So we add another 4 G29 crew charities to our list:
Look out for future website posts from each crew to share their work and their charity plans for the future.
We now have 8 charities in total championed by our students including our G28 charities:
Over the last few weeks, Y7 crews have been researching suitable people after whom to name their crews – people who have achieved great things and who display our character traits of courage, integrity, respect, craftsmanship and quality, and above all compassion. In Crew morning this week, students presented their contenders to the rest of their crew and final voting took place.
In Friday’s community meeting new crew names were announced
Our G30 crews are
So Grace Darling, Frida Kahlo, Amelia Earhart and Albert Einstein stand alongside our G29 crew’s namesakes Emma Watson, Martin Luther King, Richard Attenborough, Florence Nightingale and our G28 crew’s namesakes Anne Frank, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, Elizabeth Stanton.
G28 students will be completing important fieldwork to help them answer the geography enquiry question: “Why are there differences in life expectancy in Gateshead?” This will support the students creating a final report investigating health inequalities in Gateshead which will be shown at their presentation of learning.
Students will be in crews walking from Felling to Gateshead collecting primary data to answer their fieldwork question. Please see the website post for full details and the kit list required.
On Wednesday afternoon G30 will continue to work with expert Elizabeth Smith, from the CWGC. They will then visit St Mary’s Church to investigate the Commonwealth war graves, putting theory work into practice. This is an authentic and rich learning experience and we are incredibly grateful to the CWGC for offering these opportunities to us and helping our students when it comes to answering the guiding question for our current expedition in Human ‘Why should we honour all those who sacrificed during WW1?’ Please see the website post for more details.
The Mercians will be performing on Thursday. ‘The Leicester-based indie band are currently touring UK schools to promote their music and raise awareness of mental health issues and the importance of looking after yourself, seeking help through family, friends, teachers and organisations’.
We are also on the lookout for singers for our school choir. In July, our sister schools in Doncaster are hosting a music festival and our choir will be performing Year 7s mining songs as part of the afternoon of music and arts.
Clubs will all run this week along with extended study sessions every day except Friday. As usual, if a student attends an after school club or extended study session they must attend the full sessions until 4:30pm.
G30 Presentation of Learning – Tuesday 26th March in our school theatre at 4.30pm
G29 Presentation of Learning – Wednesday 27th March at Caedmon Hall at Gateshead Central Library at 4.30pm
Can I remind all families of the importance of attendance at PoLs. These, like Students Led Conferences (SLCs) and Passage Presentations are key moments in the deliberate development of character for our young people and it is vital that parents, carers and families are present to support these events.
Our last day of term is Thursday 28th March. As always, students will leave school at the earlier time of 1:30pm to allow for full de-gunge and set up for our new Summer term. We return to school Monday 15th April. Please see our 23/24 calendar for this year’s term dates.
As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance.
Thank you as always for your ongoing support.
Julie Mosley
Yesterday, our G30 students had the opportunity to work with an expert from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission when they took part in a virtual session with historian Lynelle Howson. This session focussed on one day during WW1 (16th September 1916) and the students looked at records from the CWGC’s database to investigate the extent to which WW1 was a global war.
On Wednesday afternoon (20th March) G30 will have the opportunity to follow up this work with expert Elizabeth Smith, from the CWGC, in person when she comes in to give the students a presentation on reading the war graves and the information they can get from them. Elizabeth will then accompany the students, along with members of staff, down to St Mary’s Church to investigate the Commonwealth war graves and putting the theory work into practice. This is an authentic and rich learning experience and we are incredibly grateful to the CWGC for offering these opportunities to us and helping our students when it comes to answering the guiding question for our current expedition in Human ‘Why should we honour all those who sacrificed during WW1?’
G28 Fieldwork
On Wednesday 20th April G28 students will be completing important fieldwork to help them answer the geography enquiry question: “Why are there differences in life expectancy in Gateshead?” This will support the students creating a final report investigating health inequalities in Gateshead which will be shown at their presentation of learning.
Students will be in crews walking from Felling to Gateshead collecting primary data to answer their fieldwork question. This will be a 10km walk, so students will need to bring an appropriate kit list.
Students should bring:
Their daily kit as usual
Shoes that are comfortable for walking long distances
Waterproof coat
Extra water
Packed lunch
Any medication your child should need (Inhalers epipen etc)
Currently the weather forecast is looking dry. If this changes alternative arrangements will be made.
Keep an eye on your inbox and an email will be sent out soon with a health questionnaire which will also support the students with their final product.
Have a great weekend
Miss Jones
Crew Stanton (G28) have decided to continue their fundraising efforts for Tiny Lives by partaking in the Junior GNR 2024!
The majority of the crew are already signed up (and are hoping the last couple sign up too)! My wife and I will also be running the GNR the following day.
Crew Stanton have set themselves an ambitious target of £2000 which we are trying to raise collectively. We have set up a shared fundraising page for the whole crew and we would be extremely grateful if you could sponsor us or, more importantly, share our fundraising page with friends and family and on your social media channels.
We appreciate your support,
Crew Stanton
As part of their Expedition ‘Once Upon a Time’ Green Top have had some beautiful displays created for their reading areas in Nursery and Reception!
All our staff were getting their heads together and planning for next term’s Expeditions last Friday and Monday – lots of exciting learning and products are on the horizon for students in term 3!
As with all of our Expeditions, students will work within one of our three curriculum seams and staff will do the project first! If it’s good enough for our kids, it’s good enough for us!
This week, G28 were the first year at XPG to complete their ‘Passage’ – these are presentations to a panel where they reflect on their learning journey, discuss examples of their work, and talk about how they are prepared for next steps in learning and GCSEs.
The quality of the “passage” presentations @xpgateshead as year 9 pupils discuss their learning journey and character growth in front of an invited panel has been outstanding – a real privilege to be part of this process @XPtrust pic.twitter.com/iscK4W8SMS
— Mark Lovatt (@mlovatt1) March 13, 2024
All year 9 pupils @xpgateshead @XPtrust take part in passage presentations – these are presentations to a panel where they reflect on their learning journey, discuss examples of their work, and talk about how they are prepared for next steps in learning and GCSEs pic.twitter.com/fE6NcEoXg4
— Mark Lovatt (@mlovatt1) March 13, 2024
Beautiful Work from Winnie and Evan @ XP Gateshead
We are sprouting scientists @ Norton Infants
Year 6 Learning Club @ Green Top
Crew Ardern DofE Volunteer Work @ XP
Raising money for the British Heart Foundation @ XP East
Creating confidence in Crew @ Carcroft School
Scientific Discoveries @ Norton Juniors
We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.
It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.
Write to us at [email protected] – we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!
XP School Trust Ltd is seeking an experienced firm to supply external audit services to our Trust.
Please see our Invitation to Tender letter below. If you would be interested in providing this service to our Trust please return your tender to Cat Blair, CFO ([email protected]) no later than 5pm on Tuesday 30th April 2024.
As you know, Year 8 are working towards a presentation of learning for their current expedition “What is power?” which will take place on Wednesday 27th March and will start at 4.30pm.
The venue for this event is Caedmon Hall, above Gateshead Central Library. We anticipate that we will be finished by 6pm.
We will be rehearsing in the venue from 1pm so students will eat lunch in school, albeit earlier than the normal time.
Students have been working very hard preparing scenes from Macbeth, artwork inspired by social issues and connections between these and power structures in society as well as the power of the earth and the atom.
Due to the limited capacity of the venue, we ask that each student has a maximum of two family members at the performance on the evening please.
As you know, Year 7 will be presenting their learning from their current HUMAN expedition Do Your Bit with the guiding question: “Why do we need to honour all those who made sacrifices during WWI?”
This Presentation of Learning will take place in our theatre space in school on Tuesday 26th March and will start at 4.30pm. We anticipate that we will be finished by 6pm.
Presentations of learning are an integral part of our learning model for all students. These are important and planned moments that help all students to develop character and showcase their beautiful work. Students will stay in school to do a final rehearsal but can bring some healthy snacks for the afternoon if they choose. It is really important that each student has at least one family member at the event to support them.
We are really excited for students to share with you their learning around lesser heard voices of WWI through their creative writing, artwork and dramatic performances based on the play White Poppies.
Winnie and Evan in year 9 both took part in a brilliant day of racing at Northumberland and Durham County Teams swimming Championships at Sunderland, on 3rd March 2024.
They both represented Gateshead & Whickham for a fun-filled day of relay racing.
Both Evan and Winnie swam their absolute best, working incredibly well in their teams, to beat both individual PBs and predicted relay times, across almost every event.
Winnie’s team for the 200 freestyle relay are now county bronze winners. We are so proud of you both and your incredible results.