Gateshead College

This is a brand new programme that looks at the Music, Production and Performing Arts disciplines. If you’re excited about one of these areas and wish to develop your skills and make friends, this is the course for you!

Delivered in Gateshead College’s Performing Arts section, you’ll have access to a theatre, recording and dance studios as well as rehearsal areas to develop your performance, compositional and group working skills through gaining an understanding of the creative process.

Club members also take part in national events including Masterclasses with leading industry professionals and the Summer Show, where Saturday Clubs nationwide exhibit their work in a public exhibition – all for free!

Club dates:
20 January 2024 – 17 April 2024
Saturdays, 10:00 – 13:00

Click here for more information and to apply

Weekly Update for Families – W/C Monday 15th January 2024

Dear Families

Last week we launched our new learning expeditions across all year groups and this week, students will have the big reveal with guiding questions and case studies unveiled.

More details of the types of activities that students have been carrying out in immersion can be found below.

Students have settled back into school and routines really well.

We also had lots of visitors to the school last week, including Trish Wright who is building on the work Mrs Tatters has done with us to get our food technology space kitted out and ready for Year 7 to start using this term. Other visitors included Chris Harte, who featured in Year 9’s film on migration. With Chris Harte were Martin and Val Westwell, who took time from a visit to the UK from Australia to come and see our school. Val is Deputy Principal of a ‘through’ school in Adelaide from nursery to sixth form, and Martin is CEO of the Department of Education for the whole of South Australia. Here is some of Martin’s wonderful feedback to our students and staff:

“One of the things that makes the school so remarkable is that, in many ways, it’s not out of reach of any school.

When ambassadors Ruby and Harris took us on the tour their pride in the school and their engagement in learning shone from them…

There was clear trust between students and educators, and an authenticity in every interaction. The fact that they led the tour without any teacher involvement really shows the students’ story is the school’s story.

The intentional connection to community and the enormous effort put into building and maintaining relationships with parents and the broader community were inspiring and it was clear the students gain a great from these authentic interactions and relationships, including a strong sense of purpose.

The general feeling of the school was of calmness and clear purpose, with a culture of high (self) expectation, improvement and mastery. The fact that on the first day of a new term, visitors could be dropped into a class discussion and the group respond so openly and thoughtfully was very impressive.

The power of ”crew” was really clear. Students referred to it frequently in a very positive way and I think see it as their anchor. It’s clearly authentic and intentional and its place in the timetable really reflects the importance it’s given.

Not only was the compassion so very apparent in every interaction and story, so was the generosity of students and staff. We are so very appreciative of this.”


As you know the immersion is the part of the expedition where we generate curiosity about the topics that will be studied, and build background knowledge so that all students are able to contribute when we get into the formal study of learning targets through Case Studies.

This week in STEAM, G30 have been reading a range of texts including a focus on Station 11 by Emily St. John Mandel, set in a post-pandemic dystopia where life is both dangerous and tough. And yet… a band of people calling themselves The Travelling Symphony still tour in trucks converted into horse carts performing Shakespeare. They have also been considering how they might fare on a desert island with limited resources.

In their separate HUMAN expedition, G30 have studied the extent of the former British Empire, as well as reading a play called ‘White Poppies’ set during the earlier years of The Great War. When Tom Headley enlists underage in the Great War, he and his childhood friends head straight to the front line as tunnellers. Eighty years later, a young schoolgirl sets out to research her great grandparents as part of a Poppy Day project. She uncovers shocking truths.

G29 have been reading a Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson in STEAM, and making connections to practicals which emphasise changes in substances and systems. In HUMAN, students have been learning about tectonic hazards such as earthquakes and used a simulation to try to mitigate the impact of their devastating effects, for example by preparing a coastal village with protections against tsunamis. They have also carried out a gallery walk which contained many images of protestors in scenarios at home and abroad from today and from history. Finally, students have also started to read an abridged version of Shakespeare’s Macbeth in modern English. All will be revealed this week on how these pieces of the expedition puzzle fit together.

In their STEAM session, G28 have been In HUMAN G28 have been carrying out an investigation into health inequalities across the world and in our own Town. Students read a report by Alice Wiseman – Director of Public Health for Gateshead – which outlines the differences in average life expectancy and healthy life expectancy for people born in Gateshead contrasted with those born in areas that are typically more affluent. Students were shocked by the stark differences in outcomes and were able to put questions to Alice on Friday afternoon following their investigation.

With all of the above, students have been working hard at making connections between topics in anticipation of how our guiding questions will pull all of the ideas together for each learning expedition.

The week ahead

Theatre visit on Wednesday for some G28 students

We apologise for the short notice around this, however there is an exciting opportunity for which we received confirmation on Friday afternoon last week.

On Wednesday this week there is a performance of the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde which includes a director’s commentary / Q&A session about interpreting and re-imaging the original gothic novella Robert Louis Stevenson for the stage.

Students will be asked if they would like to attend based on their HoWLs in drama sessions, and families will be informed tomorrow if you child will be attending.

The performance takes place on Wednesday 17th Jan in the afternoon. We will be travelling by minibus to and from the venue at Sunderland College and should be back in school for around 4.30pm. We will update the website with an arrival time on Wednesday afternoon.

SLC Preparation

G30 and G29 students will continue with their preparations for their Student-Led Conferences. Please can all G29 families ensure that they have completed this Google Form to help your child to prepare for the conference.

We invest a lot of time in giving students opportunities to reflect upon their learning and growth. A significant amount of Crew time is devoted to this in the run-up to SLCs. Please do ask your child about how their preparation is going.

We look forward to seeing you in the fortnight commencing January 29th. All families should now have received details of how to sign up for an SLC slot with the exception of Miss Diamond’s Crew – Miss Diamond is not in school during the weeks of SLC so more details for those families will follow this week.

Clubs and Extended Study

Clubs and supervised Extended Study sessions after school return this week. Here is our offer:

This week also sees the return of the regular setting of Extended Study work for students to complete using their iPads.

It is important that students get into good habits around extended study. Studies have shown that this has a positive impact on student progress, on average (+ 5 months), particularly with pupils in secondary schools. We recognise that it is not always possible for students (or staff) to have a quiet working space at home which is why we offer a space to work in school from 3.30-4.30pm Monday-Thursday. 

Our full rationale for Extended Study can be found here.

The two tables above are worth sticking to the fridge or saving as a screenshot on a device for quick reference!

PE this week

  • G30 have PE on Monday.
  • G29 have PE on Wednesday.
  • G28 Class 1 have PE on Thursday. Due to the staff day, G28 Class 2 do not have PE this week. We will look to rebalance this in a later week.

Staff Days on Friday 19th and Monday 22nd January

This half-term’s staff days fall this week and next on Friday and Monday. Friday sees all staff heading to Doncaster for a focus on our teaching and learning model, and on Monday we will be working on school priorities as part of our ongoing school improvement plan.

Good afternoon

We are delighted to announce that Year 9’s sculpture final product is now also being curated at Gateshead Central Library in the gallery space through a digital display. This will be in place until January 17th.

We encourage as many people as possible to not only go to see our students’ work curated in digital form there, but also to make of the wonderful services of the library and the archives there.

For more information on this learning expedition click here.

Sharing our Stories: 12/01/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Another brick in the wall: Beautiful Work from XP Gateshead

In Autumn 2023, students in Year 9 studied a joint HUMAN and STEAM expedition called ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ where students had to answer the guiding question: ‘How are structures important in helping us to explain our world?’ 

For the final product, students used plaster to create sculptures in the brutalist aesthetic. The Presentation of Learning (PoL) was an unveiling of an installation to the community and dedicated to the people of Gateshead, who have suffered due to the Covid pandemic and the cost of living crisis; both examples of failings of societal structures. Experts, including architects from SOS-UK and Ryder Architecture, whom the students had worked alongside throughout the learning expedition, came along to speak at the PoL at the Farrell Centre, Newcastle University.

The work will be on display there for the foreseeable future!

We Are Artists at Plover

Mel from the XP Trust Comms Crew visited Plover as an Expert Artist – showing Year 5 how to draw trains and teach them about perspective and the vanishing point. The children enjoyed seeing her amazing drawings and made a great start on having a go at their own drawings.

Carcroft’s Fabulous Foyer!

Whilst making an impromptu visit to Carcroft Primary in December, we noticed this! We simply had to get the phone out and take some photos of the wonderful displays on show in the Carcroft foyer area. The array of work exhibited was interesting, engaging and of high quality; and was curated impeccably by the staff – beautiful work!

Top of the Blogs

Who’s hiding in the pages of this book? @ Norton Infants

Crew Jackson – Science Investigations @ Green Top

Weekly update for families @ XP Gateshead

Crew Pasteur @ XP

Working Hard @ Plover

C30 – HSBC Money Management @ XP East

Amazing Fieldwork at YWP! @ Carcroft School

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

A reminder that Student-Led Conferences will be taking place after school in the fortnight commencing January 29th for both Year 7 and Year 8.

Year 8 families, we have asked that you please complete this Google Form to help your child to prepare. If you have not already done so, we’d really appreciate you taking 5 mins to complete this as will give your child more time to gather evidence to answer your questions.

For both Year 7 and Year 8 families, we will soon post information on how you can book a slot.

G28 and G29 Science Assessments

Both G28 and G29 will have an end of topic assessment in science in their first lesson during w/c 22 January. An Seneca assignment has been issued, although students are encouraged to use a study strategy they have used in class to complete some of this revision too.

The Topics in G28 are


  • Structure of the atom :Protons, Neutrons and Electrons 
  • Electronic configuration of atoms
  • Structure and trends  of the Periodic Table
  • Developing the periodic table.


  • Density calculation and practical
  • Specific heat capacity calculations
  • Thermal conductivity 
  • Isotopes and calculations
  • Decay equations 
  • Decay properties alpha, beta and gamma decay.

The Topics in G29 are

Circulatory System

  • The role of the circulatory system.
  • Structure and function of blood and blood vessels

Gas Exchange system

  • Structure and function of Lungs
  • Process of gas exchange

Cell structure and Respiration 

  • Labelling plant and animal cells
  • Function of cell organelles
  • Chemical reaction of aerobic respiration

Reproductive system

  • Structure and function of male and female reproductive systems
  • Structure and function of male and female gametes
  • Process of pregnancy and role of placenta 
  • Types and causes of variation

Dear Families

Happy 2024! We hope you have had a great Christmas and a safe and restful New Year. 

We are looking forward to welcoming students back tomorrow to the start of our new term at XP Gateshead.

Here’s some reminders to get a good start to term…


School opens at 8:00am every morning. Students should arrive between 8:00am and 8:25 am and there are spaces available for socialising, reading or completing extended study. Students must be on site for 8.25am for the call to Crew. A calm start to the day is really important for students to settle into learning so we ask that parents support their child with this.

Dress code

Please refer to our website post for full details on our dress code. Can I remind parents of the following expectations around daily dress within school and ask for your full support around this as we move in to a new term 

For a normal day within school, we do not think it appropriate that students wear:

  • Hats, hoods & coats inside school
    • Revealing clothing, i.e. revealing the midriff, chest or upper thigh
  • Noticeable make-up, including false eyelashes
  • Valuable, sentimental or impractical accessories / jewellery
      • For example heavy chains, thick sovereign rings, or false nails
  • Impractical footwear:
  • For example sliders, flip-flops or high heels.

Daily kit list

As always, students need to bring a school bag with:

  • A filled water bottle
  • Pencil case including: pens, pencils, ruler, eraser and pencil sharpener
  • A fully charged iPad 
  • Their AR reading book (please remember that as part of our reading strategy, we expect all students to read between 20-30 mins. each day)
  • Headphones 
  • A healthy snack for break (no confectionery (sweets), fizzy drinks or energy drinks, nut products)
  • A notebook

PE sessions this week

Our PE sessions this week are as follows. Please ensure that your child has their  full PE kit.

  • G30 students (Y7) have PE on Monday this week
  • G29 students (Y8) have PE on Wednesday this week.
  • For G28 students (Y9) 
    • G28 Class 1 have PE on Thursday this week
    • G28 Class 2 have PE on Friday this week.

Extended Study and Clubs

There will be no extended study or after school clubs running this week. After school sessions will all start again next week.

New Term – New Expeditions

A new term means new and exciting expeditions for our students. Immersion takes place this week and our students will be working hard to find out what their new guiding questions are and the challenges and new learning their expeditions will bring. 

Curriculum Updates 

There are some curriculum changes which continue to give our students a breadth and depth of experience at key stage 3. 

G30 are studying two new expeditions. As part of their studies for their new HUMAN and ARTS expedition, they will also be continuing with drama with a new text and also studying computer science to help them to organise and analyse data from an expert and learn to code.

G30 will also have a new STEAM expedition which will include some food technology and a really great final product that will have an impact on our local community.

G29 are studying one new expedition that combines HUMAN, STEAM and ARTS. This will include some really challenging drama and music, both of which will be instrumental to their final product and presentation of learning.

G28’s new expedition is a combined HUMAN, STEAM and ARTS expedition which will last into the Summer term as a 16-week expedition. This will include a challenging Presentation of Learning in school, and will pull together and build on learning from across Year 7 and 8.

G28 students will also be getting a greater insight into careers and guidance to start considering future decisions. We will also launch our KS4 curriculum offer with year 9 students and their families this term.

Student-Led Conferences G29 and G30

SLCs (Student-Led Conferences) replace the conventional parents’ evenings at XP Gateshead. During an SLC, your son or daughter will share their learning with you and their crew leader. You will have an opportunity to look at work from their portfolio and ask questions about their HoWLs (Habits of Work and Learning) and AP grades (Academic Progress). They will also share their progress around pledges set last term with you during the SLC and you will be able to ask questions around these. 

SLCs for G29 and G30 will take place this term in the two weeks commencing 29th January. In the coming weeks you will receive an SLC invite from your son or daughter’s crew leader.  

Passage Presentations G28 

Our Y9 students will give passage presentations in March.  Passage presentations are an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and their readiness to move on to the next phase of their education. G28 students will provide evidence to an audience of family, Crew Leader and an XPG invited guest to demonstrate that they are ready to start their GCSE journey. 

In the coming weeks you will hear more about passage presentations from your son or daughter as they start preparing for this key passage at XPG.

Staff Days

A reminder that we have two staff development days this half term; Friday 19th and Monday 22nd January. As normal, students are not expected to be in school on these days.


As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance. Thank you as always for your ongoing support.

Julie Mosley


XP Gateshead

Dear Families

What a final week of term we have had! Our students have continued to work hard and produce work of the highest quality and we couldn’t be prouder of them.

G30 ‘From the Ground Up’ Presentation of Learning – St Mary’s Church in Heworth

On Monday our Year 7 students took centre stage at St Mary’s Church in Heworth for their first presentation of learning. They really stepped up to the challenge;  sharing their work from this term’s expedition ‘From the Ground Up’ with the GQ: ‘What do the communities of NE England owe to the miners?’. It was difficult to believe that G30 students have been with us less than 4 months watching them share such high quality learning with eloquence and confidence. The quality of their script, songwriting, drama performance and art work along with the variety of inputs made for a culturally rich evening. 

G30’s final product will be a CD of the folk songs they have written. We will be recording this early next term so it will be ready for sales at the Miner’s Gala in the Summer term where we hope to see our students perform their songs to a larger audience. A huge well done to all of the staff and students who worked on this expedition – a stunning achievement and our first XPG music CD!

Here is just some of the feedback we have received from families who attended the evening:

I’m so proud of their confidence to stand up and talk about their learning.

Ten out of ten! Keep doing what you are doing.

I praise how confident the children were about the mines and miners, fantastic production. The children really went into great levels of description on the mining – it was really interesting.

The songs the children wrote were so thoughtful, they did an amazing job.


G29 ‘Being Human’ Presentation of Learning – XP Gateshead

On Tuesday, it was G29’s time to shine at their presentation of learning, where they answered the GQ:  ‘What does it mean to be human?’. The evening was in several parts:

  • a public lecture with students presenting excerpts from their speeches responding to the guiding question
  • a marketplace table discussion where students shared their individual learning journeys and work from this expedition
  • …and finally, an unveiling of the final artwork which promotes organ donation. This will move to its permanent home at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead early next year.

Year 8 definitely stepped up! Listening to their responses to the guiding question and the learning they have experienced over this expedition was a privilege. It was especially impressive to see Year 8 students presenting to other parents for the first time. This is an important step up for them in terms of developing character and confidence.

Here are some of the quotes from our families:

Amazing to see the young people presenting so eloquently and with confidence.

It is so good to see the development from Year 7 to Year 8. So confident and informed. It is lovely to see students researching diversity and difference and the impact on society alongside their place and responsibility for this.

Great depth of knowledge and confidence, articulating that in a meaningful way to parents/carers.

I learned that everyone has their own interpretation of what is means to be human, and this is OK as it is a subjective topic.

G28 Charity work 

December has been a busy month of charity events. Thank you to all who have supported these events. Look out for updates from our Y9 Crews on how much they have raised with their charity work this term.

G29/G30 Community Support

We finished our term today visiting our neighbours delivering crew hampers put together by our Year 7 and Year 8 students. Our crews have spent time putting together hampers for the residents of the bungalows on Swards Road and Colepeth, sharing some of their beautiful work and treats for Christmas as a thank you to our neighbours. It was wonderful to see students get real pride from their acts of kindness and the joy they gave others.

So, a wonderful ending to a great term. 

I’d like to thank all of our wonderful staff who work relentlessly to support our students – we have a great staff crew at XP Gateshead. Our thanks also goes to Gateshead teams who support our work at XPG especially Suzanne, Cheryl and Michelle who keep us nourished, Carol, Karen, Jan and Marie who work hard to keep our school environment clean and tidy. 

Thanks also to you, our families, for all of your ongoing support. We couldn’t do what we do without this.

And the final one goes to our wonderful students who continue to shine, doing more than they thought possible and supporting each other to get to the top of the mountain.

Wishing you all a very happy festive season. We return on Monday 8th January at the normal time.

Julie Mosley


Crew Frank Charity Success

Crew Frank would like to finish the year by saying a MASSIVE thank you for the huge generosity they have witnessed while organising their Sir Bobby Robson Christmas Raffle and Bring and Buy Sale.

Crew Frank raised £403.70 this December with the help of the XPG families.

So far on their charity journey Crew Frank have raised £980 for the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and they are overwhelmed with the money they have raised.

We would also like to thank the companies that donated to our raffle: Lane 7 Newcastle, Twenty Twenty, Ringtons, Go Gateshead, BlankWallArt, Northumberland FA, Gateshead Football Club, Emily’s Treats and Ticketyboo Hairdressers

We have 3 prizes left to be claimed! If you have the ticket please come to claim the prize in January.

126- selection box

797 – Hair dryer

108- Family swim voucher


Have a very Merry Christmas!
Crew Frank