G29 Presentation Of Learning

As you know, Year 8 are working towards a presentation of learning for their current expedition “What is power?” which will take place on Wednesday 27th March and will start at 4.30pm.

The venue for this event is Caedmon Hall, above Gateshead Central Library. We anticipate that we will be finished by 6pm.

We will be rehearsing in the venue from 1pm so students will eat lunch in school, albeit earlier than the normal time.

Students have been working very hard preparing scenes from Macbeth, artwork inspired by social issues and connections between these and power structures in society as well as the power of the earth and the atom.

Due to the limited capacity of the venue, we ask that each student has a maximum of two family members at the performance on the evening please.

G30 Presentation of Learning – Tuesday 26th March

As you know, Year 7 will be presenting their learning from their current HUMAN expedition Do Your Bit with the guiding question: “Why do we need to honour all those who made sacrifices during WWI?”

This Presentation of Learning will take place in our theatre space in school on Tuesday 26th March and will start at 4.30pm. We anticipate that we will be finished by 6pm.

Presentations of learning are an integral part of our learning model for all students. These are important and planned moments that help all students to develop character and showcase their beautiful work. Students will stay in school to do a final rehearsal but can bring some healthy snacks for the afternoon if they choose. It is really important that each student has at least one family member at the event to support them.

We are really excited for students to share with you their learning around lesser heard voices of WWI through their creative writing, artwork and dramatic performances based on the play White Poppies.

(Later this week, we will be able to confirm the start time for Year 8’s presentation of learning at Caedmon Hall on Wednesday 27th March.)

Beautiful work from Winnie and Evan

Winnie and Evan in year 9 both took part in a brilliant day of racing at Northumberland and Durham County Teams swimming Championships at Sunderland, on 3rd March 2024.

They both represented Gateshead & Whickham for a fun-filled day of relay racing.

Both Evan and Winnie swam their absolute best, working incredibly well in their teams, to beat both individual PBs and predicted relay times, across almost every event.

Winnie’s team for the 200 freestyle relay are now county bronze winners. We are so proud of you both and your incredible results.

Dear Families

It has been another great week at XPG last week. 

Without a doubt, this week has seen our G28 pioneering students step up to the challenge as they get ready for Passage Presentations taking place this coming week. 

Students have been working hard putting together writing, with deep reflection about their progress since joining us and their readiness for GCSEs. The presentations we saw today were very strong with such integrity and authentic voice from our students. We are delighted today that all students have either passed their passage presentations, or passed with conditions that need to be met over the coming weeks.

In preparing for passage, Year 9 really are demonstrating their readiness for the next stage in their education and their potential for greatness in the years to come. What a joy and honour it is to sit alongside families watching their children shine and talk so beautifully about themselves with such honesty.

This feedback from a panellist and member of our local governing committee really sums up what a special day it has been today:

“What an absolute privilege it was to be able to be part of the passage presentations this morning. The work that is being carried out within XP Gateshead is transformational in the young people’s lives within the school community. This was evident to see in the passage presentations that I was involved with, in terms of character growth and the journey that students are on with regards to being owners of their own learning. 

XP Gateshead is truly a very special place and it is these reflective processes that allow us to really take notice of the amazing work that happens every day within school. “

The week ahead

G28 Passage Presentations

Presentations continue on Tuesday during the school day and on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. A huge appreciation to our panellists for helping to make this a rigorous process and for their kind, specific and helpful feedback to our students. And of course thanks to you our families for supporting your children in this important work.

G29 and G30 Crew morning – Tuesday 12th March

On Tuesday morning whilst passages are taking place, our Year 7 and 8 students will spend time in their crews. Year 7 will complete work on choosing names for their Crews. Each Crew will be named after someone that has exemplified our character traits of courage, respect, integrity, craftsmanship and quality and above all… compassion.

Year 8 will finalise decisions on the charities with which they will be associated for the rest of their time at XPG. Again, this is such an important decision and the opportunity to be of service over a period of time to organisations doing great work helps our students to realise the positive impact that they can have on their community.

All Crews in Year 7 and Year 8 will also spend time attending to relationships within the Crew and returning to the importance of a strong culture. Crews have each planned different activities for the morning alongside work on charities and crew names.

Developing subject expertise 

Tom Devitt and Rebecca Marshall are returning to York University on Wednesday and Thursday this week to complete a four-day Secondary Science training course to develop their knowledge and understanding of Science in KS3 and KS4. At XPG, we invest in the professional development of our staff and are committed to building strong teams able to develop and deliver our expeditionary learning curriculum.

Alongside passage, this does mean that there are some changes to the timetable this week.

 PE this week

  • Both G28 classes will have PE this week on Friday this week.
  • Year 7 and Year 8 do not have PE this week.

Extended Study and Clubs

Clubs will all run this week along with extended study sessions every day except Friday. A reminder that if a student attends an after school club or extended study session they must attend the full sessions until 4:30pm.

As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance. 

Thank you as always for your ongoing support.

Julie Mosley

Sharing our Stories 11/03/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Expedition Stories: UKS2 @ Plover

This week we’re proud to share the beautiful story of UKS2s Expedition from last term ‘Earth Emergency’. The carefully designed planters and greenhouse will surely be a catalyst for Plover growing its own produce for generations to come!

Beautiful Curation at XP Doncaster

XP on the TV!

For anyone who missed it – XP Doncaster has been featured in a BBC Two documentary which aired on the 7th March. All episodes are available on BBC iPlayer now.

We’d like to thank everyone who has got in touch or left a comment about the programme – we are so proud of our students and how eloquently they expressed how they feel about their school.

If you’d like to learn more about our schools and how you can do what we do too, you can get a copy of our book How We XP here.

Top of the Blogs

Just another day… @ XP Trust

Beautiful Work from Reuben @ XP Gateshead

World Book Day @ Norton Infants

Class 8 Story Writing @ Green Top

FXP Tuck Shop @ XP

Save our Seas! @ Plover

Crew Da Vinci SLCs @ XP East

Magnets @ Carcroft School

Lowry inspired artwork @ Norton Juniors

We’re looking for a Cleaning Lead at XP Doncaster

Find out more about the role and apply here to #JoinOurCrew

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

During the Easter break on Monday 3rd & Tuesday 4th April 2024 KPMG are hosting a two-day virtual employability skills session. Sessions run from 10.00am until 12.20pm on each day.

Students that complete of the tow-day course students will receive a £25 Amazon voucher.

This is a great opportunity for students to gain insights into KPMG and enhance their CV.

KPMG are a leading global management consulting company. This opportunity would be of particular interest to Year 9 students considering a career in management and/or finance.

The sessions will involve interactive skills sessions, enhancing students employability skills.
Students will also be able to network with like-minded students.

To sign up, click here or scan the QR code.

During the Easter break there is a free week-long course for young people interested in Health and Social Care. This is such a great opportunity for students to experience working alongside health and care professionals.

The event is being held at Kingsmeadow Community School in Dunston on Monday 8th April – Friday 12th April.

There is also the option to sign up to a summer school in August too.

Either scan the QR code below or click here to sign up.


Year 6 Families – Welcome to XP Gateshead

A warm welcome to all of the Year 6 families that have been lucky enough to be offered a place at XP Gateshead for your child to join Year 7 in August 2024.

Please check your emails as we have sent you the details that are in this post below.

You will no doubt have lots of questions, but rest assured, all of these will be answered over the coming months of transition. At XP Gateshead we spend a lot of time getting to know our students and families prior to starting with us and we have a range of transition activities planned to allow this to happen. 

There are two forms for you to complete as family:

1. XPG – New Year 7 Admissions Form Aug 24 

There are lots of questions to complete on these forms, please take your time. It is vital that we have up to date and relevant information for all of our students (contact details, medical information, dietary requirements, school meal entitlements). We have also included sections here which ask for your permissions around media consent and fieldwork.

2. XPG New to school Parent/Carer Voice Aug 24

This form is really important to us and gives you the chance to share more details about your child with us.  It’s the start of us building an individual picture of your child and getting a better understanding of them. 

In addition to gathering this information from you as a family we will also communicate with your child’s primary school to ensure we have the fullest picture of your child and how we can support and challenge them.

Our wider transition programme will include an online meeting with you and your child as a family, primary school visits and a transition day in the summer term. We will publish a timeline of these events soon.

Our website xpgateshead.org contains a wealth of information and should be a start in answering your questions, in particular the frequently asked questions section is useful for new parents.

It is really important that you subscribe to our website by entering your email contact in the section on our front page as this will update you with an email every time we post some new information.

Families will be added to our private Facebook group once we have carried out the online family meetings.

Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].


Thank you again for choosing XP Gateshead, we really look forward to working with you and your child over the next five years.

Julie Mosley


XP Gateshead

This video explains a little more about the process of Passage Presentations, how they are different to SLCs and what you can expect as a family member.

Please arrive at least ten minutes before the start of your child’s passage presentation as we will have lots of families and panellists signing in.

A reminder too that we need families to let us know what your child will doing on Tuesday 12th March.

Tuesday 12th March not a staff day, however Year 9 teachers will be involved in passage presentations throughout the day so we will not be running a regular timetable for this day for Year 9 students. There are three options for Year 9 students on this day:

  • Come into school for the full school day (including staying in school after a Passage Presentation).
  • Come into school for a Passage Presentation and then leave with their family.
  • Work on extended study from home.

Here is the  this Google Form to let us know what your child will be doing, and whether they will need a school lunch.