Weekly update for families – End of Half Term 16th February 2024ย 

Dear Families

We have come to the end of another full and productive half-term and, as always, our whole community have worked together demonstrating courage, respect, craftsmanship and quality, integrity and above all… compassion.

Our students have continued to work hard across this half term and Iโ€™m sure that those who have seen children present Student Led Conferences this term, would all agree that our students continue to be challenged (and supported) to strive for beautiful work.ย  Thank you again for your support in SLCs, it is vital that our students share their progress regularly as โ€˜Leaders of their own Learningโ€™.

It has been a busy final week and here are a couple of highlights:

Our G30 students visited the Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Sabha on Thursday to find out more about Sikhi and how temples operate as part of their expedition โ€˜Do your bitโ€™ which includes a focus on the experience of Sikh soldiers.

Students supported with sewa, a deliberate act of service which Sikhs believe demonstrates belief in their equality and the importance of all people. Students worked in the kitchen to prepare food for langhar which is when the temple provides food for the community, free of charge.

As Miss Jamison has posted, we have also asked if Year 7 students can try out some of the recipes from โ€˜Cooking on a Bootstrapโ€™ at home with you over the half-term break.

Our G30 and G29 students have also had a workshop on malicious online communications from Jon Ord, from the Police and Crime Commissionerโ€™s office.

Preparation for passage presentations is well underway for our G28 students and this week they have spent crew sessions with this as their focus. Having considered metaphors for their time at XPG, students are currently reflecting on their progress as writers and mathematicians using evidence from their portfolios across Year 7 and Year 8.

Please make sure that you have signed up (Google Form) for a time slot for Passage Presentation as we are at the stage of organising our expert panel guests. We would like to get all of these times out to families this weekend.


I think that we can all agree that itโ€™s time now for a well deserved rest! Have a great half term break and we look forward to seeing all of our students on Monday 26th February.ย 

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support. A special thanks for the mystery gift of creme eggs which arrived for all staff at XPG – it is very much appreciated!

Julie Mosley