Weekly update for families – W/C Monday 27th November 2023

Dear Families

We hope you have enjoyed your long weekend break, our staff have all been really busy at XP Gateshead planning our curriculum and next term’s expeditions. As you can imagine, there is a huge amount of time and effort spent on planning and preparing for our expeditions which include immersion, work with experts, fieldwork opportunities, guiding questions, anchor texts, high quality final products and presentations of learning. 

Thank you to all G28 families who have attended SLCs over the last two weeks. It has been great to read your exit tickets and see how proud you have been of your children who, once again, have stepped up to the challenge of presenting their work to you, sharing their progress and plans for next step development. We look forward to January now when we will have our next round of SLCs for G29 and G30 students. In advance of this we will have updated snapshots to share with you in the w/c 18th December.

Our week ahead 

Experts in school this week

G30 students will be working with our expert composer Joe Solo turning their mining community interviews into folksong.

Extended Study and Clubs

Our full after school offer is available this week with extended study and clubs running on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

Congratulations to Mr Devitt

As you may know, last year Mr Devitt was training in school to gain his full teaching qualification. Mr Devitt has his graduation ceremony this Friday. I know you will join us in congratulating Mr Devitt. We look forward to sharing pictures of Mr Devitt in his full academic gown and mortar board!

PE sessions this week

Due to our staff days and the above, G28 and G30 students will not have PE this week. We will look to rebalance this in a future week.

All G29 students (Year 8) have PE on Wednesday this week. Please ensure that your child has their  full PE kit.

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Julie Mosley

Principal, XP Gateshead