G28 PARENTS – SLC Invites and Google Form

Good evening

You should now have received invites asking you to book a slot for your child’s next SLC (Student-Led Conference).

These will take place in the two weeks commencing 13th June and 29th June.

A reminder that students are working on pledges associated with their recent assessment information snapshot. We will share these pledges with you soon. Students will present their progress in these pledges as part of the SLC. More details of that process were shared in this post.

IMPORTANT – Google Form

In addition to presenting evidence of working on their pledges, we asked you to complete a Google Form to ask your child questions that you would like them to answer as part of their SLC, or for more information that you would like to see as part of their SLC.

It is really important that you complete this Google Form. This will help your child to plan what they would like to show you in their 25-minute conference.

The link to complete the Google Form is here.

We would be most grateful if the Google Form could be completed by the end of this week – Friday 27th May so that your child can get to work on including your requests in their SLC.